OK, one more time. I made a mistake.....I was dating the new coin, found lower in your line of messages. It is 62, and the correct date for that is what I told you.
Jadesh is reading the date backwards. Your coin, that you showed in your hand, is year 42.....read the numbers right to left, the same way that the Chinese read their newspapers, and the Koreans and the Japanese read their writing 100 years ago. Perhaps the Japanese still read it that way, but the Koreans have adapted their writing to read left to right, even though it is still in HanGul.
So, year 42, Sho wa is 1967. I am glad that Jadesh challenged me, because you have found one of the key coins in the newer coin series. There were 26,000,000 denomination 5 coins made in that year, but that is the third lowest of all the years since WW II. It is still not very valuable, but it is worth far more than the others.....and holding on to it, each year it will gain in value more than most of the other dates.....and just the idea of finding that particular coin in the States is noteworthy.
For sure, a very, very good coin.