Folks, How to reduce crime rates.......

bill from lachine

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Oct 30, 2011
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This should be an interesting one to kick around.....we all pretty much agree that crime rates are probably higher than they should be....and that would apply to pretty much any country.

On vacation about 10 years of so ago with the missus....Dominican Republic to be exact.....I asked one of the waiters how the crime rates were...considering the average working person would be considered below the poverty line by our standards.

His answer was not to bad....didn't give me statistics mind you....when I asked him why.....he stated that someone who got caught and sent to jail.....was given a bare bones cell.....a bucket to do his business....a couple of bed so had to sleep on the not supplied....had to be provided by friends or family or they starved.

He said anyone that did time did not want to pay a return visit....lesson learned.

Your views are appreciated....should be some interesting posts on this one.

Regards + HH


More people owning guns.......... Ask any policeman, they all believe private citiizens owning guns is a major deterrent to crime. I have asked many and not one in the last 3 months has said less citizens with guns..... Most police I have talked to here in Florida wishes they still had open carry here. When they passes concealed carry they outlawed open carry unless your hunting, fishing, camping or on way to a gun range........

Treasure_Hunter said:
More people owning guns.......... Ask any policeman, they all believe private citiizens owning guns is a major deterrent to crime. I have asked many and not one in the last 3 months has said less citizens with guns..... Most police I have talked to here in Florida wishes they still had open carry here. When they passes concealed carry they outlawed open carry unless your hunting, fishing, camping or on way to a gun range........

Ask ANY policeman, they ALL ....

Got to stop speaking in absolutes, they just make any point seem completely incorrect and foolish. It does not make any argument seem more compelling or legitimate. Would love to see any data to support all these statements you make? I'm sure you don't care what I have to say, but it would add a lot of credibility to what you say - if you care.

Ask ANY policeman, they ALL ....

Got to stop speaking in absolutes, they just make any point seem completely incorrect and foolish. It does not make any argument seem more compelling or legitimate. Would love to see any data to support all these statements you make? I'm sure you don't care what I have to say, but it would add a lot of credibility to what you say - if you care.

I'll tell you one thing,the older police around here sure feel that way!

worldtalker said:
I'll tell you one thing,the older police around here sure feel that way!

I'm sure they do, and that's a great statement to make after talk to them and get their thoughts on the subject. My guess is you probably know enough not to then go and say that all police officers believe such. Obviously that would be an extremely incorrect inference.

I'm sure they do, and that's a great statement to make after talk to them and get their thoughts on the subject. My guess is you probably know enough not to then go and say that all police officers believe such. Obviously that would be an extremely incorrect inference.

There is Good in old and young.

Bill, did you see the recent study saying crime rates were down a lot because we stopped using lead paint. Was very interesting. Ill try to find it.

I would also place my chips on increasing inner city employment, etc would be a top way. Folks with good high paying jobs, a house and family generally do not turn in to street thugs.

The Crime of Lead Exposure
Follow @jonahlehrer

The steep drop in crime in America is one of the most noteworthy sociological trends of the last twenty years. What astonishing is that, although the murder rate has fallen by more than 50 percent in many cities, we still don’t know why. Part of the mystery, of course, is that the causes are plural: there are many reasons why our cities are getting so much safer. In a recent essay, the political scientist James Q. Wilson outlines several possible explanations for the falling crime rates, from better policing to a shrinking market for crack cocaine. He also references one of the hypotheses that I’m most interested in, which is that reductions in exposure to lead gas and paint have reduced levels of aggression and improved impulse control in young men:

For decades, doctors have known that children with lots of lead in their blood are much more likely to be aggressive, violent and delinquent. In 1974, the Environmental Protection Agency required oil companies to stop putting lead in gasoline. At the same time, lead in paint was banned for any new home (though old buildings still have lead paint, which children can absorb).

Tests have shown that the amount of lead in Americans’ blood fell by four-fifths between 1975 and 1991. A 2007 study by the economist Jessica Wolpaw Reyes contended that the reduction in gasoline lead produced more than half of the decline in violent crime during the 1990s in the U.S. and might bring about greater declines in the future. Another economist, Rick Nevin, has made the same argument for other nations.

In recent years, neuroscientists have made important progress in identifying the precise mechanisms by which lead exposure reduces impulse control. Here, for instance, is a recent PLOS study from the Cincinnati Lead Study, in which the blood lead level of babies born in poor areas of Cincinnati were repeatedly measured between 1979 and 1984. Twenty years later, the researchers tracked down these subjects and put them in MRI machines, allowing them to measure the brain volume of participants. The researchers found that exposure to lead as a child was linked with a significant loss of brain volume in adulthood, particularly in men. Furthermore, there was a “dose-response” effect, in which the greatest brain volume loss was seen in participants with the greatest lead exposure. What’s especially tragic is that the loss of volume was concentrated in the prefrontal cortex, a part of the brain closely associated with executive function and impulse control. Here are the scientists:

Childhood lead exposure is associated with region-specific reductions in adult gray matter volume. Affected regions include the portions of the prefrontal cortex and ACC responsible for executive functions, mood regulation, and decision-making. These neuroanatomical findings were more pronounced for males, suggesting that lead-related atrophic changes have a disparate impact across sexes. This analysis suggests that adverse cognitive and behavioral outcomes may be related to lead’s effect on brain development producing persistent alterations in structure.

The degradation of the prefrontal cortex by lead exposure also helps explain the relationship between blood lead levels and IQ scores. According to one 2003 estimate, published in The New England Journal of Medicine, blood lead levels below the supposedly “safe” limit of 10 micrograms per deciliter still produced a reduction in IQ of around 7 points. (Approximately 1 in 50 American children has lead levels above that threshold.) That’s a big cognitive loss for millions of kids.

The reason the prefrontal cortex is such an essential component of intelligence returns us to its most important function, which is controlling the spotlight of attention and regulating the short list of thoughts in working memory. (These are the thoughts we’re actually thinking about.) Although we typically assume that attention and working memory are intellectual skills – they’re essential for academic success and school smarts – it has become increasingly clear that they also help us regulate our emotions. Look, for instance, at Walter Mischel’s classic marshmallow task, which I wrote about in The New Yorker a few years ago. The experiment involved offering four year old children a choice between eating one marshmallow right away or, if they could wait fifteen minutes, the chance to eat two marshmallows. While every kid wanted that second sweet treat, the vast majority failed to resist the temptation right in front of them. However, about 20 percent of preschoolers were able to successfully delay gratification, restraining their impulses and exerting self-control. (A follow-up study demonstrated that these kids had fewer temper problems, more friends and much higher SAT scores as high-school seniors.) So what allowed these four year olds to resist the allure of the marshmallow? The secret was attention. Here’s an excerpt from the article:

Mischel’s conclusion, based on hundreds of hours of observation, was that the crucial skill was the “strategic allocation of attention.” Instead of getting obsessed with the marshmallow—the “hot stimulus”—the patient children distracted themselves by covering their eyes, pretending to play hide-and-seek underneath the desk, or singing songs from “Sesame Street.” Their desire wasn’t defeated—it was merely forgotten. “If you’re thinking about the marshmallow and how delicious it is, then you’re going to eat it,” Mischel says. “The key is to avoid thinking about it in the first place.”

Furthermore, the scientists are now doing brain scans on the original marshmallow subjects – the four year olds are now in their forties – as they try to better understand the substrate of self-control. In essence, they want to decipher the cortical persistent differences between high-delayers and low-delayers. Most of the relevant regions they’ve identified so far are in the frontal cortex, and include areas such as the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, the anterior prefrontal cortex, the anterior cingulate, and the right and left inferior frontal gyri. (Needless to say, these are also many of the brain regions undermined by lead exposure.) In general, high-delayers show higher levels of activation in these areas when performing tasks requiring the allocation of attention, which is why they also perform at a higher level.

What Mischel’s data demonstrates is that attention isn’t just about information. Instead, it’s also what allows us to blunt the urges of our errant emotions, allowing us to look past the desire to stuff that yummy marshmallow into our mouth. While we can’t always control what we feel – many of our urges are ancient drives, embedded deep in the brain – we can control the amount of attention we pay to our feelings. When faced with a tempting treat, we can look away.

This returns us to aggression. Let’s say you’re being teased by a bully at school. You can feel your anger rising; the hot emotion is vibrating in your veins. It would feel so good to punch that bully in the face, to vent your frustration with a fight. However, you also know that such violence will get you suspended from school, which is why throwing a punch is not a good idea. If you can’t strategically allocate your attention – and this is a skill that requires a solid prefrontal cortex – then you’re not going to be able to resist your anger. You’re going to get in a fight and get suspended. However, if you can properly look past this negative emotion – perhaps by counting to ten, or just walking away, or finding something else to think about – then your anger will subside. The hot feeling has been cooled off.

The tragedy of lead exposure is that it undermines one of the most essential mental skills we can give our kids, which is the ability to control what they’re thinking about. While the unconscious will always be full of impulses we can’t prevent, and the world will always be full of dangerous temptations, we don’t have to give in. We can choose to direct the spotlight of attention elsewhere, so that instead of thinking about the marshmallow we’re thinking about Sesame Street, or instead of thinking about our anger we’re counting to ten. And so there is no fight. We walk away.

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I know it makes me sound racist to some but:


No preference for wealth, no preference for color, no "free pass" for gangs, no "free pass" because of nationality.

Equal enforcement of the law.

Me? I'm Native American. When my people do wrong, they need to be punished by more than a slap on the wrist. The same for all others.

Do away with the "comfortable" homes for these criminals and put them to work.

No cable TV. No air conditioning. No recreational facilities.

Put them to work, work them hard, and work them long.

Do this, and crime is no longer an easy way of life.

The fewer criminals on the street, the higher the percentage of criminals who will get caught because law enforcement will have the time to dedicate to actually solving crimes.

It's not hard, it's just plain old common sense.

When I did wrong, daddy tanned my hide. I didn't want to even try to see if he would do it the next time because it hurt so bad the first time. If prison is a bad enough experience, they won't want to go back.

Enforce deportations laws for illegals and reinstitute public hangings... Seems to me these crimminals guilty of horrible crimes getting fed 3 times a day and a place to sleep and work out and play cards is a little ridiculous.. Oh no you get convicted of a violent crime you don't get to milk the system for years you get to be put on public display as a warning for other crimminals to heed.. I know it sounds extreme but i'm sick of seeing these animals be allowed to maniuplate the system and not be held accountable..

Chadeaux said:
I know it makes me sound racist to some but:


No preference for wealth, no preference for color, no "free pass" for gangs, no "free pass" because of nationality.

Equal enforcement of the law.

Me? I'm Native American. When my people do wrong, they need to be punished by more than a slap on the wrist. The same for all others.

Do away with the "comfortable" homes for these criminals and put them to work.

No cable TV. No air conditioning. No recreational facilities.

Put them to work, work them hard, and work them long.

Do this, and crime is no longer an easy way of life.

The fewer criminals on the street, the higher the percentage of criminals who will get caught because law enforcement will have the time to dedicate to actually solving crimes.

It's not hard, it's just plain old common sense.

When I did wrong, daddy tanned my hide. I didn't want to even try to see if he would do it the next time because it hurt so bad the first time. If prison is a bad enough experience, they won't want to go back.

Couldn't agree with you more. I love how we provide these folks with weight sets etc so they can bulk up and mug more people when they get out. I don't want to seem uncaring but anyone in for ten or more years can head off to a massive camp in the middle of no where where they can grow and raise their own food. Make the camps self sufficient so I am not paying for them with my tax money.

Why does any highway in the country have any trash on the side - get those thugs out there working. Trimming trees, moving snow, I got plenty of ideas to keep them busy.

Lets quit pretending that some of these harden criminals are going to be reformed - ain't going to happen!!

I've been to a bunch of countries around the world. It's interesting when the cop with his little ping pong paddle with a red stripe holds the paddle out.

Everyone immediately pulls over to talk to the nice policeman. Nobody runs. (This was in the middle east)

Why? About 500 yards down the road is a vehicle mounted .50 for anyone who doesn't stop.

In central Africa the local police were admonished to stop firing at fleeing vehicles with the AK 47, they were told to use the 9mm because it didn't go thru the house walls down the street. Very few pursuits there as well.

No punishment in the good 'ol U.S. Everyone get's a trophy. We are all winners. Spanking is not allowed. We teach negotiations to our children who get to call the school principal by his first name.

go figure...


Some pretty interesting inputs.....I guess one thing we can all agree on....stop the molly coddling.....if the time
done is tough should give them second thoughts about a return visit.

Regards + HH



Some pretty interesting inputs.....I guess one thing we can all agree on....stop the molly coddling.....if the time
done is tough should give them second thoughts about a return visit.

Regards + HH


Be careful . . . you might start sounding like me!


I tend to lean much more to the right than most people avatar should give you a pretty good hint.

Some of my different slants/views on some more like playing devil's advocate than anything else....more for thought provoking than anything else.

Regards + HH



LOL....if so probably one with horns....I'm sure you know they're WW11 USAF wings.

Regards + HH


So, when did Canadians start shooting down US aircraft :laughing7:

bill from lachine said:

I tend to lean much more to the right than most people avatar should give you a pretty good hint.

Some of my different slants/views on some more like playing devil's advocate than anything else....more for thought provoking than anything else.

Regards + HH


Frankly I think many on this board would be very surprised with how conservative many of us our.

Just because we down follow the Christian conservative talking heads like sheep doesnt mean we are all liberal in out views. I was the president of my colleges young republicans. But many of my social views some would consider liberal. I don't give a crap if your gay, a legal immigrant, have premarital sex, etc. I believe in truth and science and modern medicine. I believe the earth is more than 6000 years old and didnt begin with 2 people named Adam and Eve. If that disqualified me from bring conservative in your eyes so be it. In the end I think for myself and am not a sheep to any one party or ideology. No labels on this guy, just a free thinker. Good luck to all.

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