No your not completely off at all the may of very well of been points at one time but without a pic of the other side a little hard to tell ... Some worn down points end up as drills some as scrapers
Some folks call them blunts , and we have had a thread on this once before and everyone has their on idea. I call them hafted scrapers because they where hafted on to a shaft for a handle. This a little info and photo of someNotice the center one on bottom row has a type of flute.
Really appreciate the info monster. Never saw that thread, even though I like to go through the old pages of threads trying to pick up what I can while i wait on everyone to come post their new jaw dropping finds.
No your not completely off at all the may of very well of been points at one time but without a pic of the other side a little hard to tell ... Some worn down points end up as drills some as scrapers