I assume these are flakes... the larger rock looked like it could possibly be a core because it has a waxy surface with a lot of scarring, but I'm really not sure what it is. They were all surface finds from a field in the Florida panhandle. Can anyone help identify the type of rock?
I thought some looked possible but I couldn’t see enough, speaking very generally a flake will have a side with scars from previous removals, then a flat side from where it separated. There should be a spot on that smooth side with a bit of a bulge and usually a flattish spot above it, that’s where the flake was struck… again just general but a pretty good base to work from. I also consider location, should this rock be here? And I like to see if any faces look fresh, some places could be different but around here rocks don’t weather that quickly and its pretty easy to tell a removal by man vs stone splitting along a natural fracture. Good luck, the best way to learn is to keep looking and handling material.