I think they are wagon/buggy related. Does the longer piece happen to have had a chunk broken off of the opposite end, as it looks like a whiffletree/singletree tip missing the loop at the other end.
Agreed on that, I was trying to recall, but isn't there a brake pole/shaft that has a tip that often gets worn down like that? Someone posted a very good diagram in a previous thread that I can't find.
But this recent thread has similar items: http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/what/556412-scabbard-tip.html
I agree with the buggy shaft tip ID, but I have to disagree that the other object is a Hame tip... because Hames tips are curved, as shown in the horsegear catalog scan, and don't have a flange encirling the tube. The object appears to be brass and it has a flange encircling its tapered tubular body a little above the larger end. That matches up with Nhbenz's guess, a whiffletree-tip whose D-shaped loop missing. See the catalog-scan and photo below.
I humbly stand corrected...
But I was referring my guess to the smaller of the two, the one with the knob tip.
Not all hames tips were curved as seen in the example I showed. bottom left.
Finding exact examples is harder than finding a $1 US gold coin. LOL
I only have the one reference and only do this for sport.
Every once in a while I get one right...
You my friend are way more knowledgeable and have a lot better references than I do.
I am constantly amazed by you and the others here with what is able to be ID'd.
Thank you for the correction in my feeble attempt. I'll try to do better.