I got a CZ7 recently, my first high end detector. It is basically the same as the CZ70. You can start hunting with the preset mode. Just set the balance knob at 5 and hit the preset button. Start swinging and you'll find stuff. It puts you in a coin mode. When you learn to use it a bit, you can adjust the ground balance, set the detector to ignore certain signals, etc...
It's a really easy machine to learn. What are you having problems with? Are you getting any signals? Having a hard time determining where the signal is? Too many signals that don't seem to be consistent?
Sweep the coil from side to side, not too fast, a sweep should take around 2 seconds minimum from one side to the other. Keep the coil level with the ground all the time, and close to the ground. When you get a signal that interests you, swing over it a few times to make sure it repeats. When it does, move the coil away from the area the signal is and press and hold the pinpoint button. Then go back over the area where the signal came from. On the screen, you will see numbers. While going over the spot, watch the numbers. When the signal is loudest, and the number is lowest, your target is in the center of the coil and it is as deep as the number highlighted on the display (if it is a coin sized object).
I suggest using the preset mode to get the hang of the machine. Don't set the sensitivity up very high. Run it on 4 or so. It only took me an hour or so and I was digging coins and whatnots.
Is that any help?