I am buying my boyfriend a metal detector for his birthday. I'm looking to spend, for new or used, around two hundred to three hundred dollars, more or less, but I want to make sure that for my money I have something that a. works well and b. is fairly easy to use. He is a coin collector and I know he wants to use it in grassy fields; however he will also be using it on the beach being that we visit Florida often. I see so many detectors that have water proof coils and such, but then I see reviews saying how bad they all are. Pretty much I just don't know where to start. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You -Bonnie
I am buying my boyfriend a metal detector for his birthday. I'm looking to spend, for new or used, around two hundred to three hundred dollars, more or less, but I want to make sure that for my money I have something that a. works well and b. is fairly easy to use. He is a coin collector and I know he wants to use it in grassy fields; however he will also be using it on the beach being that we visit Florida often. I see so many detectors that have water proof coils and such, but then I see reviews saying how bad they all are. Pretty much I just don't know where to start. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You -Bonnie