First Time Ever Detecting



Longtime lurker, first time poster and detector.

I have been patiently waiting for the snow to melt and the ground to dry since February. Finally today was the day of my first hunt. I think I did alright, took me alongtime to find my first find, after that I was getting a few hits.

I got a few hits, however I could not find the piece. Does anyone know how deep a detector can detect? I have a Whites Prizm II.

Anyway, thanks for the great site and tips.

My best find was the garden tool ( I was going to go and buy one, haha), found it in about a foot of sand.


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Is that a caribou on that quarter.. !! you must be a fellow Canadian..
Ya, it's nice to see things finally start to thaw out.. Good luck on the future hunts..
All I found today was a aluminum T.V. dinner tray.. Anyone wanna see it..ha..

Hey! That's my digger!!!! I knew I lost it somewhere! lol

Great finds for first time out. Happy digging!


Hi Mrlayance.....

I'm relatively new to detecting and own a Prizm 4. There are times I get a strong signal,dig the plug and then nothing. An expert tells me that a coin on edge will give you a false reading on exact location. In other words you may dig where it isn't.
Lot's to learn about these machines. Practice, Practice, Practice. Has anyone buried objects as a way of learing more about your machine??


Good Job!

I love finding the matchbox cars as well. Most of the one's in the States are dated on the bottom, that one dated?


hey mrlayance.....

your a canadian right? there is an awsome forum thats for metal detectors in canada. :o :o :o :o ;D ;) :D :D ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) :o :o ;D? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Go To google then type in Alberta metal detecting forum. (hope i see you posting there) ::) ::) ::) ::) 8) 8) :o :o :o :o :o :o :o ::) ::) ::) :o :( ;D :o :o

It's a sign! it's a sign! Big things are coming your way!
Hang on to your tool...Wait that didnt come out right.
Keep the garden tool it may serve you well

Mrlayance, welcome to the forum. As you can tell from reading the forum, ya don't have to be crazy to MD but it sure comes in as a good excuse for being late for (fill in the blank). At least some of the time. HAHA HH

dano91 said:
It's a sign!? it's a sign! Big things are coming your way!
Hang on to your tool...Wait that didnt come out right.
Keep the garden tool it may serve you well

ROFLMA nice Dano. Welcome Mrlayance, I like the Stanley cup beer bottle cap. What brew is it? HH

I broke the tip off of my wifes cast aluminum spade when I hit a rock while digging a horseshoe! Boy, was she P.O'd. Anyway, Welcome to the best detecting forum on the web! Looks like you'll do just fine. You already have clad. Thats more than alot of people get first time out. Have Fun.

Allright a fellow newbie! Congrads on your finds! I just started MDing 3 days ago and having a great time so far. Looking forward to seeing what you find next.

Another big WELCOME to the form and congrats on your finds. Spring is here and everyone has the detecting fever, yahooooooo

Welcome Lance... You did great! At first it's just about finding a signal and diggin' it out! You'll get better and better each time you go out. Half the fun is having the lights come on each time you have a new revelation. Hang out here and this bunch of wackos will short-cut you to some real treasures.....tangible and otherwise! Welcome aboard~CO2 ;D

Hey BigRig,If thats your picture...You look just like my brother Stan!He has hair though..You guys could be twins! That is so cool and my brother is cool too!

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