First Post - Old Roman Coins


Mar 9, 2009
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Golden Thread
I was directed here by a member from another forum. He told me this was the place to post my coins and get some feedback. This one is for the coin collectors. Has any one seen coins like these before? These were given to me years ago and have just been found again while digging in the attic. The wooden box that they live in was labeled Old Roman Coins. Are they worth anything? I am looking to retire early, is this my golden ticket??? LOL







Shane... great coins and great pictures... you obviously can aim and click... Welcome to TreasureNet!

Here's what we need... one or only a few coins at once, correct orientation, front and back (Obverse & Reverse) and a sense of measurement. As clear and as close as you can get... It's key to a proper attribution. I can tell ya' they look Roman to me...

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Yip as montana said, but dont give up your day job just yet, lol 8)

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They are definitely ancient Roman coins, I can see a possible ancient Greek one (smaller fat one...they're usually thicker).
They're 2-4 thousand years old…

In order to know if any of them are very valuable, they’d have to be attributed (identified). One would have to find out who the emperor is on them, what date they were minted, how scarce they are and etc…

Fronts and backs are called obverse and reverse. Like the coins of today, the "heads" and tails, the head would be the obverse

Even a pretty rough looking ancient coin can be worth a lot, depending on how many have been discovered, how scarce they are (as to how many minted)

I don’t know how many roman coin collectors are on here, but there is a ton of information about these ancients on the net.

The most common ones found are Constans and Constantine, which it appears you have a few of

Just search ancient roman coins…it’s a lot of fun to try and identify them!

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Welcome to the forum AA :thumbsup: like Jim says post them one at a time, but the large coin in the middle looks like a Sestercy of the emperor Nero :icon_study: there are also a few radiates there as well, and I noticed a fourth century coin as well, but we need them individually posting front and back :icon_sunny: but sorry you won't be able to retire on those coins :'(

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You have some real nice coins. What your friend didnt tell you is that you have to let all of us come dig in your attic. just for an hour! Just kidding! Welcome! and those coins are beautiful.

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Just to be clear the retiring part was just a joke. These coins were given to me years ago and I have no intentions of getting rid of them. I ran across them the other day and just wanted to see if I could identify any of them. I will post individual pictures later in the evening. Thanks for all the information so far. I am a member of several other forums but I can see I am going to be spending a lot of time on here. Thanks for the warm welcome!


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I have carefully looked over your coins and I believe most are not in good enough condition to be valuable.
Here is a great link for identifying the ones that are identifiable :
Take one at a time start with the one in best condition then go through the catalog until you see the one that matches it.
and so on until you have identified all the ones that you can. Start with the Roman catalog then Greek. After a while you will get the hang of it. have fun and good luck.

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These have been over cleaned - sadly.

I will ID when you do individual pictures, but I will only be able to do the ones with some lettering.

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