First official hunt


Jr. Member
Jun 18, 2005
Decided to try the local fair grounds to get some practice on some clad and to get used to the tones of the new CZ20.Got permission from the old dude and off I went.Decided to try were the rides were set up and ground balanced it (I think) and 3 steps into it I get a strong hit.One penny after another and then a dime,I also dug some trash hits to make sure that I understood what the md was telling me.I got tired of pennies and decided to move under some trees where I figured people might hang out and out pops a quarter and another and 3 more.The trash I dug was a nail(double toned) and a good old pull tab.It started to rain which felt good but then the lightining started and I bailed to another spot where I found a bunch of old bottles years ago.Heavy lime rock in the area which made digging very tough and I get a good hit beside a trash hit.What's a guy to do?I did.About 2 ft down I dig up an old metal spicket of some kind.It was rusty why did it read as a coin on the md?The next hit I dug 2 ft >:(and find a big rusty pice of metal?It hit like a coin also?I thought I had it figured out at the fair grounds but I guess not so any advice would be greatly appreciated.The oldest coin turned out to be a queen Elizabeth 1969 penny.Tally was 1.86 and at least 30 mosquito bites.

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I have hunted a loca fair grounds and got like $40 dollars in quarters around one tree.

Not to shabby.When I was a kid I found $20,000.00 in a bathroom at a bar. :P

grunthead, let's see if I can explain. Your machine detects metal. The manufacturer sets ID #'s based on ferrus and non-ferrus metals. Depending on the composition, size, and amount of halo (minute particles of target metal leached into the surrounding soil), the machine sets a potential rating based on information received into the circutry. It then says that it's potentially trash or coin. The system isn't infallible so sometimes you get a good suprise or not so good suprise.
If you can understand this explanation, let me know so you can explain it to me. ;)
BTW, congrats on your finds-a great start. HH, enjoy your CZ-20, and good luck.

Nice going grunt .... keep in mind that most all detectors that have "Proable Target IDs" are just that ... "PROBABLE".

always a good idea to dig any "questionable" signals, as for every 100 pieces of trash you find, there are SEVERAL potential pleasant surprises awaiting you. I have YET to dig up a Gold Ring on a pulltab and/or nickle signal, but it's a-comin' !! :D

Mississippi Yank, here's a potential tip on rings. I used to run a White's 6000 D. A pulltab usually rand in at #30/32, a nickle at #28/30, and a small gold ring at #28/29. But there were variences. I gave that machine to my brother some years back as Bday present. Was a killer on IDing-if it said dime-was a dime, etc. He then later sold it at a garage sale and didn't tell me. :'(

Sounds like you had fun! Yea, the manufactures have to work on that ID thing!

Keep @ it and HH!!

Isn't the CZ 20 basically a water hunting unit? Is it run on PI technology? If so, I have read that PI technology doesn't discriminate iron as well as the other kind. I'm not sure what PI stands for but I have been doing some reading on the different types of detectors. Someone jump in here and straighten me out! ??? JIM

jimmileo said:
Isn't the CZ 20 basically a water hunting unit?? Is it run on PI technology?? If so, I have read that PI technology doesn't discriminate iron as well as the other kind.? I'm not sure what PI stands for but I have been doing some reading on the different types of detectors.? Someone jump in here and straighten me out! ???? JIM

PI means "Pulse Induction" Jim,

most detectors are VLF detectors, working on "Very Low Frequency" radio type waves

PI's work on "Pulse waves"

that's why they penetrate deeper than VLF detectors, and don't disc. like the VLF's do.

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