First finds with new Ace 250 today!

Joliet Jake

Full Member
May 10, 2005
Detector(s) used
Ace 250
Got my Ace 250 today from Sean on e-bay.? The kids were home when it arrived, so we put it together and started excavating the back yard.? After 4 really big holes with nothing found but rocks, I took the kids (9 & 11) to the sand volleyball court next to our subdivision pool.? We had about a dozen dings with the setting on quarters, and the first hit yielded a 1991 clad Washington.? We only found one more coin, a penny that the kids lost in the grass on the way home.? We dug for about 10 minutes on one giant hole we made in the sand, and finally found a foil top from a yogurt drink (or something).? So, only $198.75 to go for the 250 to pay for itself :D.? I learned one thing, I will need a lot of practice before I start digging in other peoples yards.? I envy those of you with sand beaches nearby to search, as it was SO easy to dig and fill those holes at the volleyball pit? All and all, a nice afternoon with the kids.

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How do you find a fortune? practice, practice, practice! make a coin garden and practice pinpointing with the new machine, you will soon know exactly where the target is when you get a hit! Congrats on a new machine and keep us posted on your finds! HH omnicognic 8)

WTG Always a good time with the kids!!! I also just aquired my ACE250 last week. It takes practice to become familiar with any machine. These really clean-up on coins!!!! You'll have it paid for in no time. Just remember to learn the machine with practice- lots. You'll do fine. Hope to see more finds.

Dont sweat it! give it 2-3 weeks and you will be digging such small holes you wont believe it yourself!

? The best piece of advice I can give you is take your time! ?when you get a good hit pinpoint it until you know EXACTLY where it is, when I first started and I would get a good signal, my first instinct was to throw the metal detector down and start digging (thats how I got kicked out of moms yard! ?Just kidding ? ;D ? ?but seriously, take you time pinpointing and in no time you will know exactly where it is 99% of the time!


Hey WTG! You got a MDer, got to go outside, spent time with the kids, dug in the sand...It dont get much better than that! Looking forward to your future posts. Good luck on your next hunt! :)

Like I do and so many others on the forum, build yourself a coin garden in your yard and practice pinpointing. Plant several coins at known depths and locations and work at relocating them and seeing what your detector is telling you. With my ACE a false signal is so rare you wouldn't believe it. Pinpointing is such an intregal part of mding that you soon will do it without thinking and rarely miss a target.

Good advice from everyone, Joliet Jake.
Hang in there and you'll be a "pro" in no time at all.
Keep us posted.

Tehere are a couple of older posts here that tell you exactly where the pinpoint location for the 250 is. I have one and read the instructions and reviews on the forum and theyu were right on..Works great.


Just remember what Jake would have said - "You're on a mission from God", lol! The ACE250 is a coin vacuum, and once you get to know it, you'll love it. I hunt mainly in Coin or Jewelry mode, and have literally tripled my coin finds since I bought it. It'll treat you good, as long as you learn to understand what it's telling you. READ< READ< READ the manual, and then read it again. by the time you're able to recite it by heart, you and the kids will already be bringing home cool finds! Good luck!!

Congrats on your finds! Omni and Jim are right. Make a coin garden. It'll give you a lot of knowledge on pinpointing and learning the tones of your machine.

HH 8) surfrat96

Congrats on your first finds........It is handy to bring along the kids to do the digging.....Fun for all ! Take them to the beach,if one is around.....Should be able to find some toys for them, they can dig them up too...l.o.l.......Maybe even find a ring for the wife ?.......When I first started I neede a Backhoe,,,,now I can make it with a 1 1/2" x 4" Spade......It will take a little practice ,so why not take the kids ? H>H>

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