First dime trifecta, second 1800s silver & first coin "purse"!!!


Silver Member
Apr 17, 2008
Moronica, northwest of Chicago.
Detector(s) used
E-trac & Bounty Hunter Land Star
First dime trifecta, second 1800's silver & first coin "purse"!!!

I got out for a bit on Friday afternoon to the grove where I had picked up three silvers the day before. I only got one this time, a '43 Merc, but she is in nice shape! :)

Had to take a couple of days off over the weekend, but I was looking forward to getting out with the rains we had making turf hunting possible again. I went to an old picnic grove and played around for about half of an hour when I got a good deep signal. I thought I had a penny based on the reading, but it turned out to be an 1898 Barber dime! :o Only my second 1800's silver. The fish are biting - come to papa! ;D


About another half hour later, I got a deep penny signal. About 7-8 inches deep, I pulled up an old rotting leather coin pouch! It was in two halves, so I gently peeked inside and saw five pennies stacked and stuck together, with a wheat back showing. I rescanned the hole to be sure there were no more, and packed the pouch up as is so I could take pictures and separate the coins at home.


I stayed for a couple more hours finding only wheats, then stopped off and had lunch. After lunch, I started scanning another grove that I had been lucky at before. More wheats came, and then I dug a dime that wasn't in the general silver depth, but was in the area I usually find clad. To my surprise it was a 51 Rosie.

After gridding and swinging for what seemed like a long time, I managed one more silver, another '43 Merc. Got my trifecta! :thumbsup: After six and a half hours, it was time to head home. When I got there, I opened up the coin pouch and got the pennies apart.


Inside was a 1905 Indian sandwiched between three 1920 wheats and a 1919 wheat. There is very little wear on those wheats, and I think that they were probably new or close to it when they were lost. It felt a little strange thinking that I was pulling these pennies apart for the first time in almost 90 years.

Here's the good stuff:

Indian small.jpg

Thanks for checking out my trifecta and rotting Indian pouch!!! HH everyone!

Re: First dime trifecta, second 1800's silver & first coin "purse"!!!

Awexome! A coin purse with coins in it!! I got one that had no coins... so cool. Congrats on your silver dimes, so close to a grand slam! Next time ;)

Re: First dime trifecta, second 1800's silver & first coin "purse"!!!

Congrats Kimsdad..........I have only found occasional spills,but never an actual coin pouch.........
That is the Koolest............ :hello2: :laughing7:

Re: First dime trifecta, second 1800's silver & first coin "purse"!!!

What an awesome haul!
How did you clean the Indian? - looks like you got most of the green off without turning it black like peroxide tends to...

Re: First dime trifecta, second 1800's silver & first coin "purse"!!!

Wtg Bud..................
Your killing me with your finds.....
It was nice to hear you sounding better on the phone....
Glad you got out for a nice hunt....

Re: First dime trifecta, second 1800's silver & first coin "purse"!!!

Found those rubber coin pouches before, usually near a carnie site, never one like that, it rocks Neil.

Here's to hoping you get a grand slam one of these days!

Re: First dime trifecta, second 1800's silver & first coin "purse"!!!

That "penny pouch" is just incredible!! I'm glad there was an Indian in there hiding in the wheat :thumbsup:

I wonder what that was from. . . a belt, a good luck necklace, or. . . ???

You might want to post that on the "What Is It" forum as well. . . I'd love to know it's purpose

Re: First dime trifecta, second 1800's silver & first coin "purse"!!!

Don't know how I missed this yesterday but,,,,HOLY COW Neil!!!!
Congrats on your dime trifecta :thumbsup: :hello2: :headbang:

Those coins are beautiful and you sure made up for taking a couple days off. :icon_thumleft:


Re: First dime trifecta, second 1800's silver & first coin "purse"!!!

Way to go Neil! Congrats on your dime tri-fecta. That IH sure cleaned up nice too! :thumbsup:

Re: First dime trifecta, second 1800's silver & first coin "purse"!!!

Thanks for all the nice comments, everyone! It was a fun day for sure! :)

Mayo South Elgin said:
How did you clean the Indian? - looks like you got most of the green off without turning it black like peroxide tends to...
I tried the hot peroxide method, and wound up with a black dull and still cruddy coin. Then DP Bob called and we were BS'ing about how he had used electrolysis on one of his coins, and I thought what the heck, I haven't got anything to lose. I had tried electrolysis on an old rotten Indian once and it made it even more crappy than it was before I started. :-\ This one didn't look pitted, and I think that was the key.

I used baking soda for the electrolyte, and a fresh piece of stainless for the electrode. After about 5 minutes, a brisk rub with a few damp Q-tips took most of the black gunk off. A couple more minutes in the tank and some more rubbing, and I couldn't believe how it came out! :o No patina, but who cares? It's only going in my good finds binder, and I like the way it looks now!

Re: First dime trifecta, second 1800's silver & first coin "purse"!!!


Re: First dime trifecta, second 1800's silver & first coin "purse"!!!

Wow, great finds! I'm still waiting for my first 1800's dime. I really like the penny pouch. Very exciting.


Re: First dime trifecta, second 1800's silver & first coin "purse"!!!

That is one awesome hunt! I admire your paitence of waiting till you got home to open the coin purse. Wanting to know what was in there would have distracted the rest of my hunting for the day!

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