First Day With First Detector!


Full Member
Mar 31, 2013
Richland, WA
Detector(s) used
Fisher f75, Gerrett 750
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Okay, so a few of you gave me your viewpoint on my options on detectors. I wanted to buy a good brand without spending much. I decided on the Garrett 750. One of the local club members offered it for $150 and accepted $130.

Took my 8 year-old out to a park after school for an hour and found these. The pull tab was 4-5 inches with a very strong signal.

We were not prepared for digging. Too a plastic garden spade and the grass was as tight as carpet. Next trip will be a metal digger and buck knife.

Anyway, lots of fun, lots to learn. The pointer on the 750 works pretty well too, but I'd like to have a true pointer for in the whole...

Thanks for looking!

Upvote 2
Good going on your first trip. If I was you I would buy a lesche digger they are not the cheapest but in the long run you will save money and love digging holes

Scouts out!

looks like that machine will serve you well. nabbed a nickle on your first hunt, you're doing great!

Great first time out! Buy the Lesche digger, you can find one on ebay for around 36 bucks, great tool that's worth every penny!

its a start --you found money first time out

Some tips from an old guy to help you along your new adventure. Invest in the Lesche digging tool. Also re-purpose one of your old long, straight-tipped screwdrivers as a picking tool by rounding off the tip (making it dull so you won't scratch metal items.) Get a good set of cloth and rubber gloves to save your skin. Invest in a nice pouch of thick canvas or leather to hold your small tools and finds. Invest in a pin-pointer, preferably a Garrett's. With this "kit" you will be a pro and enjoy the hobby even more. Happy Hunting and keep posting your finds. Sub

Thanks everyone! I stated using an old buck knife I have. Great for cutting the plug. I don't think there is any problem using them in public parks.

Hey man whats up glad to hear u have taken interest In our hobby, were glad to have you! Listen you know by now if you like it or not, if you do and u know you will continue to metal detect, do these things!! 1) get on ebay buy a lesche digger, 2) buy a nice used or new garrett pro pointer pin pointer these two things are really a must to be practical yes there's cheaper hand trowels BUT THEY WILL BEND AND YOU WILL REPLACE THEM! So don't waste your time get on ebay and find a nice lesche for 40 bucks! U can find very nice pro pointers shipped on this site for usually 85 to 100 bucks shipped try to hold out for a better deal or make someone an offer in the classifieds on this site! As far as gloves I use tight fitting mecanix gloves from auto zone or advanced or oreillys!! The brand is mechanix they are nice! Until you find a nice finds and trash pouch go to lowes or Home Depot and buy you a couple 2 pocket nail holders! They work great and there like 90 cents!! Any questions feel free to ask me!!

Bryan nice start and that pull tab type means you are in a good area for finding old coins. It sounded of strongly most likely because it had a full halo built up over many years. Also I see much good advice in the thread here on the Lesche diggerand the Pro-Pointer very good accessories, accept no substitutes.

Good luck and always use a coil cover !

Consider a tool belt you can hang your digger and your pro pointer on, along with a pouch and anything else you might want to have (like extra batteries! you're always a mile from your car when the 'tector dies!) or water, or your cell phone or a compass... Sounds like you're starting out GREAT and bound to become addicted! How wonderful to have your son as a hunting buddy!

Check out these sites to do research. Where people gather/ed is where you always have the best luck.

NETR Online • Historic Aerials

Historic Map Works, Residential Genealogy ?

Great start.

I use this digger. I got it for under $10 at Home Depot. It is not so fancy as the Lesche but works great for me.:


If you really want to get into this hobby, go on to and buy the $150 bundle which includes the razor edge gator digger (lesche) and the garrett pro pointer. I just recieved mine and i can not explain how much they helped. Oh, wait, yeah i can! They save so much time, while making life easier for you and...spectators who are kind of iffy on this hobby. A finds pouch is also a great addition and the good thing about the bundle i previously mentioned is that both of the oieces come with well-made sheaths. Well good luck to you and HH to you and your son!

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