I have done my due diligence, and it is time to post some pictures for some input. I have a few from New Mexico, Arizona, and also Utah. We will start with this small grouping from Utah.
Back then I was into photography not much on signs and or markers. Now I do believe It is all "coming together". I know now that this was a hot spot for trail markers in Utah, as it was one of the only year running rivers around. As another thread I have made shows several probably previously unseen glyphs of some nature. More than likely Native, anyway, i think this marks a trail of some sort. Who knows to what. More time needed.
Could be nothing, I think it is some kind of marker though.
At a first glance
A zoom in...you can see the nice large formation on top of the ridge with the small rock placed on top, then a large flat area, and then an even smaller rock placed on top on that side. Also mid picture the off color rock was a perfectly flat cut surface, not natural aligned with the ledge.
Here is from the ledge the other direction, you can see why I do not think this was a natural feature. Sandstone is soft and eroded down quickly, very odd to see a high pinnacle out by itself around here.
Back then I was into photography not much on signs and or markers. Now I do believe It is all "coming together". I know now that this was a hot spot for trail markers in Utah, as it was one of the only year running rivers around. As another thread I have made shows several probably previously unseen glyphs of some nature. More than likely Native, anyway, i think this marks a trail of some sort. Who knows to what. More time needed.
Could be nothing, I think it is some kind of marker though.
At a first glance
A zoom in...you can see the nice large formation on top of the ridge with the small rock placed on top, then a large flat area, and then an even smaller rock placed on top on that side. Also mid picture the off color rock was a perfectly flat cut surface, not natural aligned with the ledge.
Here is from the ledge the other direction, you can see why I do not think this was a natural feature. Sandstone is soft and eroded down quickly, very odd to see a high pinnacle out by itself around here.