This is not my area of expertise, so any info you have would be cool. This seems to be about all there is to find in AZ. Not much Civil War action out here! LOL The two in the center were found at the same camp site.
My betterhalf's grandmother found this when she was a kid in northern Mexico along the Conquistidor Trails... about 70 years ago. Sadly it has a big chip in it. She also found this pestle a few years later miles away. Gave them to me for my collection.
On a side note, I have one very similar that was a personal find (in NE Alabama) without any chips, also found the pestle a few feet away. Perfect shape! Someone told me that these where strictly of Spanish origin. That being said, mine from NE Alabama... Desoto?
And check out this petrified log I found. How cool is that?
Today I took the ATV out into the canyons. I found a large camp, and a bunch of flakes and some broken points. Only good finds were a Matate with the Mano STILL SITTING ON IT! Also found three other manos. Sadly, all I had to pack them out in was my CamelBak and well... they are still sitting in the canyon. It was also my last hunt around here for a while... month long vacation. Also forgot to take my camera. Took it out of my pack to charge the batteries. Sorry guys, no pics today!