finding junk


Bronze Member
Mar 16, 2009
Detector(s) used
ace 250
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
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Keep digging the junk and have lots of Patience. Once you learn your detector better you will be able to weed through some of the junk. Until then just dig that junk and you will start finding the good stuff. And dont forget, have patience!

Hello mate, firstly the obvious.... test the detector & just make sure the thing is ok... stick some coins in the ground & see what happens!

Ok Sensitivity.... Personally I dont think you should turn it down just because of junk! Eliminate them. I use Relic setting and sensitivity is just 2 bars missing from display. I have found coins, brass, silver & WW2 badges in this set-up.

Now..... a good area to search is essential! Why not tell us the area so we can look on Google earth and advice you where to look!.... If you want to keep it secret, no probs :wink:


I know I have to dig to find stuff, so I'm going to find some junk. I try to go to spots that are old, and where I think would be good to look. I normally dig anything that doesn't read iron. Sometimes I'll get half dollar readings, or nickel readings, and I dig and it will be a pop can tab, or foil. It gets irritating. But I know my detector works because I've put coins on the ground and it reads what they are... But when it's something underground it seems to have trouble..
My area is southwest Michigan, I live close to Kalamazoo MI if anyone knows where that is.. I don't know of a ton of good spots around here..
I know there are a lot of old houses, should I just go ask the owners?

I have been trying to learn my machine by going to elementary school playgrounds. It is easier to dig in woodchips, and even the grassy areas hold plenty of change. I dig anything above iron. It takes time and patience. I usually only go for an hour or two at a time to cut down on the amount of junk I dig. Set low goals like $2 in clad or 2 pieces of jewelry. Most of the jewelry will be junk, but I have found 2 silver items so far. I have moved up on occasion to highschool athletic fields where the coin count is down but the jewelry is better quality (5 gold rings).

I haven't started asking at old homes yet because I don't know how well my plugs are going to survive. I try to dig on fields that are already torn up, but I popped a few plugs on a nicer field and I'm going back in three weeks to see if the grass survived. After that test I may have more courage to ask about someone's lawn. Hang in there. It isn't the same as CRHing but it can be more thrilling. Good luck.

timbobwey said:
I am finding nothing but junk, and the occasional coin. Anyone have any advice. I usually turn the sensativity down in areas with a lot of clutter, and turn it up where there is less likely to be anything. I can't seem to find anything good, I have a garret ace 250.
I will add my advice for what it's worth. A good short cut is try to go out with a more experience local detectorist. Is there a club in your area ?. There may be detectorists in your area with years of experience. In this hobby you can find the odd good find anywhere, but in the long run it's about being able to find good sites. That leads to the big question how to find good sites. In around 25 years this as what as worked for me. 1. Instinct, after a while you will develop a sixth sence. 2. More experience detectorists. 3. Research and 4. Simply good luck. Whatever approach or approaches you take, the real answer is to simply enjoy searching, and if you do finds always eventually will come.
ps. don't bother with in air tests, complete waste of time.

My approach, and one I take with EVERY detector I learn to use, is as follows.

1. Get a small notebook and pen/pencil
2. Go to an area that you can detect.
3. Turn machine on in all metal mode.
4. Find a target, write down where it came in on the scale, how deep etc then dig it and make a note of what the find it.
5. Do this for 10 days (approx 2 hours each hunt so 20 hours) and you will have learned a GREAT deal about your machine.
6. Go to a different site and find targets write down what you think they will be then dig them. Compare notes.

This is a LOT of work at first but it works well for me. I can tell my hunting buddy about 80% of the time what a target is going to be based on sound and where it comes up on the meter.

The other approach, which most detectorists cannot stand, is the dig everything approach. I can tell you I have come up with some really cool finds and a few surprises by digging signals that come in as trash.

Good luck.

timbobwey said:
But I know my detector works because I've put coins on the ground and it reads what they are... But when it's something underground it seems to have trouble..

A bit of trail & error mate, but make sure you are sweeping low to the ground 1" off at most... At first I was sweeping too high 3" because I didnt want to get it dirty! hahaha

Seriously, relic or coin mode & sensitivity 3/4 up the scale ;)

Buy a stinger coil to help sort out the junque. And we don't find junk, it's junque! :wink: Seriously, the smaller coil will help immensly when in an area with a lot of junque. Garrett's coils are not as expensive as some other brands. Monty

timbobwey said:
I know I have to dig to find stuff, so I'm going to find some junk. I try to go to spots that are old, and where I think would be good to look. I normally dig anything that doesn't read iron. Sometimes I'll get half dollar readings, or nickel readings, and I dig and it will be a pop can tab, or foil. It gets irritating. But I know my detector works because I've put coins on the ground and it reads what they are... But when it's something underground it seems to have trouble..
My area is southwest Michigan, I live close to Kalamazoo MI if anyone knows where that is.. I don't know of a ton of good spots around here..
I know there are a lot of old houses, should I just go ask the owners?

First thing is tape over that VDU display, its pointless. No point looking at it in my opinion. Trust your ears & learn the sounds.
First rule; keep the ses. as high as the ground will allow to keep stable. Generally - low Ses = lose of depth.
Listen for the faint deeper signals
I would be researching & doing the ploughed fields for older finds brought up by the plough :icon_thumright:

First thing is tape over that VDU display, its pointless. No point looking at it in my opinion. Trust your ears & learn the sounds.
First rule; keep the ses. as high as the ground will allow to keep stable. Generally - low Ses = lose of depth.
Listen for the faint deeper signals
I would be researching & doing the ploughed fields for older finds brought up by the plough :icon_thumright:

Good advice!
You have alot of history in your area according to Wikipedia!!! Get out in the forests & find us some relics ;)


I will chime in a bit, with every detector there is a learning curve, when I switched from the tesoro to the Xp it took me at least three months to learn the sounds, and that's what matters the sounds you are hearing through the headphones. The more you dig the better you will learn, and become with your detector :icon_thumleft:


Silver Searcher said:

I will chime in a bit, with every detector there is a learning curve, when I switched from the tesoro to the Xp it took me at least three months to learn the sounds, and that's what matters the sounds you are hearing through the headphones. The more you dig the better you will learn, and become with your detector :icon_thumleft:


Exactly, took me over three months (& you know how much digging that is!).

Silver Searcher said:

I will chime in a bit, with every detector there is a learning curve, when I switched from the tesoro to the Xp it took me at least three months to learn the sounds, and that's what matters the sounds you are hearing through the headphones. The more you dig the better you will learn, and become with your detector :icon_thumleft:


Exactly, took me over three months (& you know how much digging that is!).
Ouch my back hurts :laughing9:..a lot :D


I'm the odd one out here so bear with me ......Best advice I've been there , take that ace 250 find somebody to sell it to , take that money an go by a good detector an you'll be ahead of the game 70% I've had 4 Ace 250's their are POS just my opinion ,I could take my ace 250 out hit a tot lot an find 2-3 pennies thats it go back to the truck get out my tesoro an hit $3 in clad an other stuff .

Just my 2 cents , machines are like women we all like something a lil different , this is just my opinion on things .

HH Tank

Tank69 said:
I'm the odd one out here so bear with me ......Best advice I've been there , take that ace 250 find somebody to sell it to , take that money an go by a good detector an you'll be ahead of the game 70% I've had 4 Ace 250's their are POS just my opinion ,I could take my ace 250 out hit a tot lot an find 2-3 pennies thats it go back to the truck get out my tesoro an hit $3 in clad an other stuff .

Just my 2 cents , machines are like women we all like something a lil different , this is just my opinion on things .

HH Tank

Your Eldorado is better than an Ace250, if so, you are totally right - time to upgrade. However, ploughed land doesn't need a great detector, but it does help to have the best you can afford.

Tank69 said:
I'm the odd one out here so bear with me ......Best advice I've been there , take that ace 250 find somebody to sell it to , take that money an go by a good detector an you'll be ahead of the game 70% I've had 4 Ace 250's their are POS just my opinion ,I could take my ace 250 out hit a tot lot an find 2-3 pennies thats it go back to the truck get out my tesoro an hit $3 in clad an other stuff .

Just my 2 cents , machines are like women we all like something a lil different , this is just my opinion on things .

HH Tank

Ok, a newbie in comparison to you but I have found the ACE 250 good.... 1916 One Penny at just over 7" deep & a number of others bits inbetween! I think its a bit harsh to say that all other detectors will put you 70% ahead of this one! "this is just my opinion on things"


Bikerboyzx6r said:
Tank69 said:
I'm the odd one out here so bear with me ......Best advice I've been there , take that ace 250 find somebody to sell it to , take that money an go by a good detector an you'll be ahead of the game 70% I've had 4 Ace 250's their are POS just my opinion ,I could take my ace 250 out hit a tot lot an find 2-3 pennies thats it go back to the truck get out my tesoro an hit $3 in clad an other stuff .

Just my 2 cents , machines are like women we all like something a lil different , this is just my opinion on things .

HH Tank

Ok, a newbie in comparison to you but I have found the ACE 250 good.... 1916 One Penny at just over 7" deep & a number of others bits inbetween! I think its a bit harsh to say that all other detectors will put you 70% ahead of this one! "this is just my opinion on things"


I know its a good starter from what I have read. I/Shaun7 know the Eldorado & don't rate it much, but it must better than that machine, surely :icon_scratch:

Location is the key - good location good finds, better machine in a good location means lots more good finds

Bikerboyzx6r said:
Tank69 said:
I'm the odd one out here so bear with me ......Best advice I've been there , take that ace 250 find somebody to sell it to , take that money an go by a good detector an you'll be ahead of the game 70% I've had 4 Ace 250's their are POS just my opinion ,I could take my ace 250 out hit a tot lot an find 2-3 pennies thats it go back to the truck get out my tesoro an hit $3 in clad an other stuff .

Just my 2 cents , machines are like women we all like something a lil different , this is just my opinion on things .

HH Tank

Ok, a newbie in comparison to you but I have found the ACE 250 good.... 1916 One Penny at just over 7" deep & a number of others bits inbetween! I think its a bit harsh to say that all other detectors will put you 70% ahead of this one! "this is just my opinion on things"


I know its a good starter from what I have read. I/Shaun7 know the Eldorado & don't rate it much, but it must better than that machine, surely :icon_scratch:

Location is the key - good location good finds, better machine in a good location means lots more good finds

This. :thumbsup:

Research. :icon_study:

Bikerboyzx6r said:
Tank69 said:
I'm the odd one out here so bear with me ......Best advice I've been there , take that ace 250 find somebody to sell it to , take that money an go by a good detector an you'll be ahead of the game 70% I've had 4 Ace 250's their are POS just my opinion ,I could take my ace 250 out hit a tot lot an find 2-3 pennies thats it go back to the truck get out my tesoro an hit $3 in clad an other stuff .

Just my 2 cents , machines are like women we all like something a lil different , this is just my opinion on things .

HH Tank

Ok, a newbie in comparison to you but I have found the ACE 250 good.... 1916 One Penny at just over 7" deep & a number of others bits inbetween! I think its a bit harsh to say that all other detectors will put you 70% ahead of this one! "this is just my opinion on things"


I know its a good starter from what I have read. I/Shaun7 know the Eldorado & don't rate it much, but it must better than that machine, surely :icon_scratch:

Location is the key - good location good finds, better machine in a good location means lots more good finds

I started with the 250 and found quite a lot, but one day a guy with a Gti 1500 came on the field and he left me way behind on finds. So I got the 1500 and sure enough my finds tally shot up. You know whats coming next :laughing7:, again on the same field and on a different day, another guy with an Xp. Same experience so I got one of those and I haven't looked back since. I can't say anything for the other machines but I think the Xp rocks :headbang:.


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