Finally, something interesting...


Full Member
Mar 27, 2015
South West
Primary Interest:
Relic Hunting
No way?!? What's this, something other than pottery shards? Thats not to say pottery isn't interesting, but I prefer artifacts made from rocks. lol It's nothing special compared to what some of you guys dig up, but I'll take what I can get. Its a beautiful material and both sides have been napped to a very thin edge. AND to top it off, I actually used a real camera this time to take pictures of it, not my crappy iphone 4.


...Oh yeah, and whats a hunt without finding at least one piece of pottery. :P

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Nice material shame its got some damage where you are holding it. The pottery I will have to take your word for it cause it looks like sandstone I find.

Where are you located regionally? From what I can tell on my phone, that looks like it might be a piece of Alibates Chert? Looks awesome...!!! :-) :-)

Nice piece of material not sure what it is.

Your first item looks like a well utilized core, of some pretty nice material. Just my opinion from similar materials that I find.

All finds are artifacts, even if they are not ones to go in a display. I have had days I didn't find that much. Good finds and I like the stone also.:thumbsup:

Nice material shame its got some damage where you are holding it. The pottery I will have to take your word for it cause it looks like sandstone I find.

Yeah I figured ya'll would have to take my word for it on that one. The pottery shard is tiny and the photo kinda sucks. Lol I find a lot of pottery so I can identify it pretty easily. ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1459387283.608234.jpg

Yep pottery I saw plenty of it yesterday in a field. When I see it I know a camp site is close by.

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