Sr. Member
And moved to the side yard. Yes I am still not ready to leave the yard. The side yard was stingy, 9 mems, and only 1 wheat. I bet I dug 20 nickel signals before this lonely canadian turned up. The upside is now I know the Ace will find nickels. Almost had a heart attack when the G.M. token showed, thought I had a half for a minute. It says "BODY BY FISHER" on the top edge, and "1908-1954" on the bottom with the fisher stagecoach in the middle. The other side says "GENERAL MOTORS" on the top and "BUILDS ITS FIRST" on the bottom with a fancy 50 in the middle with the words "million cars". I may be ready to leave the yard tomorrow, wish me luck and keep them fingers x'd. Bongo
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