Jr. Member
Took my Excal 2 out for its maiden trip and when I arrived at the section of the beach I normally work it was blocked off by local DPW. They were in the process of putting back all the winter sand from the parking lot back onto the beach. Went further up the beach line and went to a spot I have never had luck with using my White's detector but decided I need to see how the Excal works. After climbing over a lot of sand piles to get to the low tide mark I started searching. Found a quarter about 12 inches down and three feet away I found the gold ring about 8 inches down. I was so pumped to finally have found a gold ring. Spent about an hour on the beach finding some more coins, all were around 12-15 inches down and had been in the wet sand for quite some time given the looks of them. Still managed to find a lot of pull tabs, bottle tops and lobster pot pieces but all in all had a great time. Need to work more on pinpointing and recognizing good to dig sounds from the not so good sounds.