Finally!1904 Barber quarter,45p nickel,broke block I


Silver Member
Jan 22, 2014
Detector(s) used
Fisher f75/1270/1266x/Radio Shack Treasure tracker/
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
finally found my first silver of the year.Went out yesterday evening to one of my sites.The first thing I dug was the nickel, finally some silver!Then the indian came along.the hunt was going in the right direction.started digging a few odds and ends.Then I got another good sound,poped out a clod of dirt and seen a silver edge sticking out,i thought to myself "there it is",Pulled it out,and it took me a minute to figure out what it was,as you can see it is not in all that good of shape,at first I thought I might have a seated,then I saw the Barber Head,was pretty stoked on it.The end of the hunt on the edge of dark I found the block I.when it popped out the whole I knew it was a two piece that was broken,When I saw it was a block I it kind of felt like somone punched me in the stomach,being broken and all,I like to think I didn't do that to it,i ran my machine over the whole a few times to see if I could hear the little piece,but didn't hear nothing,so I am thinking Maybe I didn't hit it.thanks for lookin-HH everyone! 001.JPG003.JPG009.JPG011.JPG012.JPG016.JPGoops forgot about the brass ring.

Upvote 9
Congratz on your first silver of the year! Those are some nice finds!

Congratz on your first silver of the year! Those are some nice finds!
Thanks.I haven't had a hunt quite that fun in a long time.Allot of times I am fortunate just to pull one decent find.

Nice finds --congrats on the Silver and Block I
I was stoked to find the button,but I can't help for that little broken piece to bother me.she would have been a pretty one too.

Congrats on those nice digs. :occasion14: The soil in your area is rough on silver

I don't believe you damaged the button buddy. That's a great little hunt. Glad you got that first silver knocked down

Congrats on those nice digs. :occasion14: The soil in your area is rough on silver
allot off farming around here. Most of the time it is fertilizer that gets me.These came out a cow pasture.I think there is allot of acid in their manure,

I don't believe you damaged the button buddy. That's a great little hunt. Glad you got that first silver knocked down
Thanks Ahab,I hope I didn't :laughing7:.I use a pick,it seems like it would have been more damage then that,but I really don't know.The broken piece didn't seem to be there with it.

Nice finds for sure and thanks for sharing.

I did a horse corral and found two clad quarters that were damned near gone along with paper thin cents, a dime and super acid ate nickles as well. I though, damn, that horse pee is corrosive stuff.

I'd try and clean the quarter with a hot peroxide or oxyclean bath and cotton swabs.

Those are some very nice coins. I would take the pressure off yourself about the button. I think if you hit it with the shovel, you would have done more damage to it than it shows.

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