
Hero Member
Nov 25, 2006
Detector(s) used
Minelab SE/Excal
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting

Part 1
Just got though reading a post in Arizona>>> Fort Bowie and it gave me a great idea of a way for us to fight back...

Too many of us have been harassed while enjoying our sport, hobby, so here is what i suggest:

Find u a cheap non working detector, remove all the electronics from it, mount it onto your vehicle permanently, like a hood ornament, then go visit any and all State parks and National Parks u can find. Yes it is Illegal to USE a detector in those areas so make sure u have no other detectors in your procession. Let them hassle u or arrest u for your so called hood ornament, then go find u the best attorney u can find and sue the heck out of them.

Now the second part, While it is illegal to USE a detector in State or National parks there is no mention of OWNING a detector, even if u look at the warning signs they show a silhouette of a persons legs and a detector>> simulating a person detecting, If you own a detector and lets say u are cross country touring and stop at a State or National park but all your detecting gear is locked in a compartment or trunk, u are not breaking any laws. So let them hassle or arrest you then same as above , go find u the best attorney u can find and sue the heck out of them. Make sure your batteries are not in the same compartment as the detectors (lil loophole in the law) detectors in trunk batteries in glove compartment.

In this country u are assumed innocent UNTIL proven guilty, THAT IS THE LAW, so let them hassle or arrest you then simply ask OK where was i detecting. Prove that i was detecting on state or fed land and not just visiting, while on my trip!!!!
This would be a way for someone to make alot of money from the suits if they had the time to do it, while at the same time FIGHT THE SYSTEM...

Part 2
Also I suggest the forming of "The National Metal Detecting and Treasure Hunting League" TNMDTHL >> its sole purpose would be in fighting against the system for our rights. This would consolidate anyone from md`ing to salvagers, to gold panners, to manufacturers of said equipment, all dues would be used as retainers for a group of lawyers who`s only job would be fighting the system for our rights.
No i am not starting this, I AM NOT SMART ENOUGH, i leave that to some of u more educated gentleman, or Ladies. All dues or donations would go into a generial fund, that fund would make payments to a group of lawyers who`s sole purpose would be to research, defend and fight legistration against us . There would be NO hidden agenda`s NO meetings etc , all monies except a small mthly fee for the caretaker of the league would go to an accounting firm to handle the fund and lawyers, a mthly e letter would be sent to all members letting them know what is going on. An electronic statement showing all monies and there usage would be online for any member to view, all of that would cause no cost to the league. This way very limited monies from donations /dues would be absorbed by the league management and 90% or so of all monies would go towards fighting for US in the form of retainers or legal fees. There would be NO group of council or members that would live off the league, except for the caretaker of the league, all monies would go for the purpose of fighting for US. Each member would have there right to vote or veto actions brought forth to the league, all electronically done. Yes i am aware there are other groups organizations out there, but do they have lawyers on retainer or actively fighting for our RIGHTS? Plus would/do they have the funds a league such as this would provide? This league would be for the SOLE purpose of fighting for our rights and/or defending those found guilty of such breaches. The league would vote for/or against any and all programs brought forth. This would be a UNITED STATES ONLY LEAGUE, but other countries could base chapters on its principles and functions for a worldwide network.

By having an accounting firm handle the monies, u relieve the burden on the caretaker, the accounting firm would accept all monies and disburse all monies as per the leagues votes. The accounting firm would disburse a small mthly fee to the caretaker for his/her time involved, the accounting firm would disburse all monies to the group of lawyers on retainer for there work as per the leagues votes. This establishes a legitable fund, so no fraudulent actions could occur with league monies.

Everyone says lets do something, but everyone is leary of tipping the boat, well this way u can fight legally, with very lil time on your part. I do not know how the league would have to be setup to be legal, nor do i know of any group of lawyers we could get on retainer for our fight, I am not smart enough, but i am an idea person, so i leave this idea to someone with the brains or knowledge to accomplish this.

A brief synopses:
Caretaker>> post mthly elec-newsletter, elec-ballots and maintains the league website. Earns small mthly allotment from league.
Accounting firm>>>> handles all monies incoming and disbursement, and ALL ballots are E sent to them for counting. By utilizing an accounting firm they are bonded so there fore members monies are secure.
Lawyers group>>>> handles ALL litigation voted for by the league, fights past and future bills or laws voted for by the league. All actions they persue are voted for by the league.

Post your thoughts, lets see where this could go.....

EDIT: From reading this i think some are thinking im trying to get this going so i could be the caretaker, NOPE, it was my idea so therefore i could/would not be associated other then being a normal member. The caretaker would be voted in by the members.
Just wanted to clear that up.

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