Few Questions

It all depends on how much you are willing to spend and where you want to detect at. If you want to go on the cheap side I would suggest looking for a used detector. If you want a new one and are not wanting to spend a lot of money I would go with a Pioneer brand detector. I bought mine used years ago for 125$ off eBay back when it was still a pretty new model. For what I do it works great for me and it was not that expensive. The cheaper Pioneer detectors will also work decently including the ones they sell at Walmart. I will say though that they do not work when the coil is under water. It also does not have anywhere near the depth of detection as some of the higher priced machines. I would look around at reviews and models before deciding on what you want. Pin pointers are not a "Must Have" but they are a rather nice thing to have. Especially if you are around mud or digging up lots of non silver or gold items. Often these items are covered in dirt and sometimes can be rather elusive.

What is a good depth range to have? How deep do I need the detector to go? I found a pinpointer from harbor freight and tools for $20 but I haven't found any metal detectors that didnt look like they where gonna break for under $400. I'd like to be in the $200 range to start so I know that I like it. I would assume that having a detector that works in water would be very helpful.

For about $160 you can get a great starter detector and that would be a Tesoro Compadre. It is simple to use, has good depth, and comes with a lifetime warranty. I would get the compadre with the 8" coil as it has even better depth. Do a google search on Tesoro Compadre review and see what you think. Also search the Tesoro part of this forum or ask on there about it. For the money I would have to say it is best in it's price range and great at finding rings. Guys that use them swear by them and even guys with much more expensive detectors own them. You won't go wrong with the Compadre.

I HIGHLY recommend the fisher F2 or the Teknetics Eurotek pro. Both are around $200 new and perform very well. They are very lightweight (yet still built well), achieve good depth, and have super fast recovery and response speeds. In addition, they both have 4tone audio ID and target ID numbers, which come in handy to identify a target. I own the F2, and I LOVE it!! I did a LOT I research before buying and most people agreed that the F2 was the best beginner unit out there. The Eurotek Pro is just an upgraded version of the F2 in my opinion.
I hope this helps!

I give annother vote for the compadre. I have an e-trac and an outlaw and will be adding a compadre soon.

I HIGHLY recommend the fisher F2 or the Teknetics Eurotek pro. Both are around $200 new and perform very well. They are very lightweight (yet still built well), achieve good depth, and have super fast recovery and response speeds. In addition, they both have 4tone audio ID and target ID numbers, which come in handy to identify a target. I own the F2, and I LOVE it!! I did a LOT I research before buying and most people agreed that the F2 was the best beginner unit out there. The Eurotek Pro is just an upgraded version of the F2 in my opinion.
I hope this helps!

There's also an F2 package on Kellyco for around $245 and it comes with a pinpointer, headphones, a carry bag, a 4in coil, and other extras.

For about $160 you can get a great starter detector and that would be a Tesoro Compadre. It is simple to use, has good depth, and comes with a lifetime warranty. I would get the compadre with the 8" coil as it has even better depth. Do a google search on Tesoro Compadre review and see what you think. Also search the Tesoro part of this forum or ask on there about it. For the money I would have to say it is best in it's price range and great at finding rings. Guys that use them swear by them and even guys with much more expensive detectors own them. You won't go wrong with the Compadre.

Yeah, if you get the compadre, definitely get the version with the 8in coil, as it is deeper. However, I still don't the compadre is the best route. It is a Tesoro (which means it is QUALITY) but it is not the deepest detector out there. Don't get me wrong, it is very sensitive and can find the goodies up to the five inch mark with the small coil, but it does not have adjustable sensitivity. So, if you do get a tesoro, I would definitely recommend the Silver Umax over the Compadre because it has adjustable sensitivity and the 8in coil.

+1 for the fisher f2 package it'll set u up later to be ready when u upgrade again in future learning how the machines work

The Tesoro has only one tone that's a deal breaker for me. The f2 or eurotech would be better with multitone .

I've been all over this forum looking and reading. I did look at the F2 online I do like everything that it comes with. But from what I have been able to find out. Since I live in dupage county in Illinois. That having something that will work in water is gonna be best. From what I have found you can't use a metal detector at any Forrest preserve in dupage county. So I feel like having something that I can use in water would be perfect cause I wouldn't mind hitting up some of the of the beaches close to me.

Sorry for the word rant but is the F2 water proof? I haven't been able to find that info. Also is there any good detectors that I can use in water for around $200??

The F2 is waterproof up to the control box, but you shouldn't use it in water more than a foot-foot and a half of water, because one slip, and it's history. If you do plan to do a lot of water hunting, I would recommend the Garrett AT Pro. It is completely submersible in up to ten feet of water, so you don't have to risk destroying it (and water hunting opens up a world of opportunities). However, because it is a single frequency machine, it cannot handle the wet, salty sand of saltwater beaches. If you plan to be hunting in ocean water, you'll need a multifrequency or pulse induction machine.

Maybe, just maybe, you might be able to find a used AT pro for $200.

Maybe, just maybe, you might be able to find a used AT pro for $200.

That's ah I think would be really tough that's a low low price I seen em cheap but not that low

I know, same here, but sometimes miracles happen at garage sales. One guy picked up an etrac for like $15. At least that's what he said here.

I've owned or used several of the entry level detectors. I'd personally recommend the Fisher F2. You can get a package with two coils (4" & 8") and a pinpointer for $225. The pinpointer leaves little to be desired I'll admit, but the F2 works great. The Compadre isn't bad either except you only get one tone and more importantly NO sensitivity adjustment. FACT...it can be a problem in certain emi prone areas. Reason my Compadre NEVER gets used any longer. Well that and the same tone over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over!

If I were gonna go the F2 route, I would skip the F2 and get the EuroTek pro. The iron feature on that looks pretty cool. Also this detector is supposed to be very EMI resistant. I have read some excellent reviews on them.

If I were gonna go the F2 route, I would skip the F2 and get the EuroTek pro. The iron feature on that looks pretty cool. Also this detector is supposed to be very EMI resistant. I have read some excellent reviews on them.

Same, I'm not sure if there are any good package deals out there though.

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