one of the biggest jass festivals in north america is the montreal festival.being generic with no city listed you are stuck with the buildings depicted and likelyhood of it being local to where you found it.Also it may have been a piece of a larger item that did list city and mug etc.
I like it
I'm doing some research, the background on the pendant is throwing me off, looks to be the St. Louis Cathedral tower as in one of the posters. Seems it always was called "Jazz & Heritage" Festival. Vintage Posters - Jazz Fest Posters - Art4Now
Seeing the skyline of those buildings, I'd quickly rule out a poster from either the Monterey or Newport Jazz festivals.
The tower in the pic suggests a European venue.
Seeing the skyline of those buildings, I'd quickly rule out a poster from either the Monterey or Newport Jazz festivals.
The tower in the pic suggests a European venue.
Where the OP found it and the city the poster represents may be two different places, in the absence of research showing the poster was from the Montreal Jazz Festival or any other JF.
By the way.......Welcome to Treasurenet !!