Favorite fast food coffee?

blended vente chocolate brownie frappacino from Starbucks....and you are right, it is not coffee, it is dessert! lol gracious, I have not had one of those in probably hmmmmm 4 years...wonder if they still have them! :tongue3:

Starbucks Cappuccino. :coffee2: No flavoring just coffee and frothed milk....yummmm.....In Alaska they have coffee "shacks" stuck in the middle of nowhere and their Cappuccino was to die for!! :thumbsup:

It use to be Hardees, until they changed everything. Now it's McDonald's. But wherever I get it I have to make sure it's fresh...they'll hand you anything.

Panera!! Killer Coffee and a bottemless cup. You serve yourself and can even have a china cup! They even have a "punch card" for a free cup. Joe

Next time I go to Starbucks I am looking for that brownie Frappucino! I haven't seen it even though I am there once or twice a month but maybe they will still make it for me.

It would definitely be worth it! lol Those things are delightful to say the least! :tongue3:

I really enjoy McD's iced coffees, although most purists wouldn't consider it "real" coffee. Vanilla is the best. :thumbsup:

I only do regular Black coffee.

Don't drink it at Fast food places.

Only from Gas Station/mini Markets, Truck stops,
& mine & friends Houses

Coffee is like beer, some people say it all tastes alike. But a real coffee drinker can tell the difference. Fast food doesn't have coffee. They have colored water. I can't stand all the fancy schmancy coffee houses either. I drink the better part of a 10 cup pot of coffee a day and have for years. It's Folgers regular blend, perked, not dripped in an old camping pot I bought 30 years ago. It'll be a lot better when I get it broken in. :wink: I've tried it all , everything from expresso to Lattee. Iced coffee, gag, cough, cough, vile tasting stuff. I tried coffee made over a wooden fire out beside the road and served tiny little cups in Libya. They put about a cup of sugar in about 5 ounces of water and a double hand full of grounds and it is like syrup. Tastes like camel poo smells, but if you are a guest you drink it or dishonor the household. My best going out coffee is at Village Inn but only one of three Village Inns in town 'cause they use a high dollar blend of coffee but the others don't. The franchise owner is Lebanese and won't tell me where he gets his coffe. Otherwise, it's homestyle for me. Come on over some time and I'll perk you a cup or two. Monty

i dont know if you guys have Dunkin Donuts in other parts of the country but they make great coffee. WaWa markets (another thing probably not in all of the country) has the worst.

I had Dunkin Donuts many years ago I think I liked it.
If I remember right I had a Coupon For a Free Bag of their Coffee grounds.

My coffeee gotta be at least Double Strength to taste like Coffee

& Maxwell House.

Have been thinking about trying Folgers but it's hard to switch

hollowpointred said:
i dont know if you guys have Dunkin Donuts in other parts of the country but they make great coffee. WaWa markets (another thing probably not in all of the country) has the worst.
:thumbsup:Cup-o-Joe from D.D.

My favorite fast food coffee is from Burger King! It's pre-mixed in a box, no matter which one I go to, it always tastes the same! I hate weak coffee, or where it is made by different employees, that's when the taste and strength always change! I like consistancy! :coffee2: :D

Hey Monty, maybe that coffee they won't tell you about is the kind from the back end of a Civet cat! Ha ha, I don't know if you've heard of it but it's really expensive.

This doesnt have to do with my fav. ...just the whole coffee thing got me thinkin...of the thousands of pots of java I have brewed, Ive yet to have a pot smell of dishrag.It seems that many quick stops have mastered this blend. Why is this ??...cant these people smell ??....are people actually paying over a buck for this and ingesting it??
Anyone else notice?

Anything black and "violent"

None of that cream and sugar crap.No "nutty" coffee.

I gave up buying coffee at any fastfood joint/gas station.I figured I'll save the money and just brew my own at home.I know it's fresh and I have handled it my own.I'm not insinuating that any coffee that is not home brewed is not sanitary,but I sometimes vision coughing/hacking people grabbing the coffee pot and cups.

My coffeee gotta be at least Double Strength to taste like Coffee

& Maxwell House.
We usually use Maxwell House too, but lately the wife has been buying the pound bags of Dunkin Donut
whole bean & grinding it fresh every pot, seems to taste better. And I agree, if the coffee isn't strong
enough to float a silver half-dollar, it's not fit too drink.

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