First off, I want to thank those who have given me great answers and info on past questions.
After doing some Internet searches, I believe that this button is a fashion button, but I would like to have that verified by the experts here. There is no backmark.
The iron back as well as not having any backmark was what made me think it was fashion. I also saw that Waterbury has a very similar one listed as a fashion button.
Additional info for you:
The emblem on the front of your civilian-usage ironbacked button is one of the varieties of "generic" European Merchant Navy buttons. Note that the anchor is inside an OVAL, which is encircled by an OVERSIZED rope-border. According to the Colchester (UK) Treasure Hunting website's buttons database, your button's exact emblem has been used by both Britain and Austria for the Mechant Navy. Also note, the Merchant Navy is a civilian organization, composed of civilian merchant ships, and crewed by civilans, not military personnel.
That being said... your button is believed to be simply a "Fashion" button because its iron back is not suitable for use on actual sailor's clothing -- iron/steel backs tend to rust especially quickly in humid salty ocean air, making rust-stains on the clothing.
Here's a photo from the button database, listed as showing a Generic Merchant Navy button, which seems to match the details of your button's emblem (anchor in oval with oversized rope border). Navy buttons