Fascinating Detectorist, Collector & Buyer of Exceptional Finds
Some of you may have heard of Don Troiani, the noted Civil War painter. He has also authored one of the authoratative books on buttons. He lives in Connecticut and I had the pleasure of going to his home to have him evaluate a Rev. War button I found (that turned out to be a replica). About 30 years or so ago he was "on a mission" searching every week old Rev. War sites around the Hudson Valley in NY, doing deep research and he was the first person at many key camp sites and other sites. I had the honor of being able to review his collection, he went in a back room and brought out glass case, after glass case of the most amazing Rev. War buttons you will ever see in one place at one time. I can't imagine there is another collection like it in the world, maybe equal, but not better. See his site below for items he is interested in buying from various wars/eras. It also shows some of his amazing collection. You can also see links to his artwork at the bottom. Great stuff!
Some of you may have heard of Don Troiani, the noted Civil War painter. He has also authored one of the authoratative books on buttons. He lives in Connecticut and I had the pleasure of going to his home to have him evaluate a Rev. War button I found (that turned out to be a replica). About 30 years or so ago he was "on a mission" searching every week old Rev. War sites around the Hudson Valley in NY, doing deep research and he was the first person at many key camp sites and other sites. I had the honor of being able to review his collection, he went in a back room and brought out glass case, after glass case of the most amazing Rev. War buttons you will ever see in one place at one time. I can't imagine there is another collection like it in the world, maybe equal, but not better. See his site below for items he is interested in buying from various wars/eras. It also shows some of his amazing collection. You can also see links to his artwork at the bottom. Great stuff!