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Yesterday my wife had a craving for nachos. OK, I can do that. We had some pulled pork that we froze a while back that would be nice, and we already had some lettuce and tomato (yes, those go on nachos). But we didn't have any chips or cheese sauce, so we stopped by the grocery store to get some. We picked up some corn tortilla chips (ingredients: Corn, vegetable oil, and salt), and some nacho cheese sauce. This one, to be exact (front and back of jar):
I didn't think to check the ingredients until we got home. They're readable on the back of the jar photo above, or here's the exact same information from Wal-Mart's website:
Notice anything strange? I mean even aside from all those odd additives and chemicals? There's no cheese! The front of the bottle says it's a "nacho cheese dip", so you would assume the primary ingredient would be some kind of cheese, right? Nope, not a primary ingredient, not a secondary, not even and ingredient at all.
Needless to say I was appalled so decided to see if I could make my own cheese sauce, and I did so. So I made two plates of nachos, one with the store bought sauce, and one with my home-made sauce (ingredients, in order most to least: cheddar cheese, milk, whole wheat flour, butter, and cayenne pepper). My wife ate the store bought and thought it was great. I couldn't even bring myself to taste it, after having read the ingredients and smelled it while it was heating up (it did not smell like food to me). I ate the home made and thought it was delicious, even though I made the sauce too thick.
What's the point of this rant? That even though the label says its cheese doesn't mean it is. It's fake food. Just a bunch of industrially processed oils, gums, and flavorings made to look like cheese.
No wonder people are fat and sick. Look what they're eating.
And it's not just this stuff. This is but one example of many. Read the labels, folks.

I didn't think to check the ingredients until we got home. They're readable on the back of the jar photo above, or here's the exact same information from Wal-Mart's website:
Notice anything strange? I mean even aside from all those odd additives and chemicals? There's no cheese! The front of the bottle says it's a "nacho cheese dip", so you would assume the primary ingredient would be some kind of cheese, right? Nope, not a primary ingredient, not a secondary, not even and ingredient at all.
Needless to say I was appalled so decided to see if I could make my own cheese sauce, and I did so. So I made two plates of nachos, one with the store bought sauce, and one with my home-made sauce (ingredients, in order most to least: cheddar cheese, milk, whole wheat flour, butter, and cayenne pepper). My wife ate the store bought and thought it was great. I couldn't even bring myself to taste it, after having read the ingredients and smelled it while it was heating up (it did not smell like food to me). I ate the home made and thought it was delicious, even though I made the sauce too thick.
What's the point of this rant? That even though the label says its cheese doesn't mean it is. It's fake food. Just a bunch of industrially processed oils, gums, and flavorings made to look like cheese.
No wonder people are fat and sick. Look what they're eating.
And it's not just this stuff. This is but one example of many. Read the labels, folks.