Extreme Hunt for me Yesterday

jeff of pa

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Staff member
Dec 19, 2003
๐Ÿฅ‡ Banner finds
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Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
took my nephew to a site others & I have found several mid 1800's coins
a Few years ago, when it was a Defunct Reservoir & Former 19th Century Park Spillover



when we hunted




the reservoir
has been cleaned out and turned into a amphitheater






and soon to be children's play area.


the woods we hunted were most likely spill over from the park











I Say Extreme for Me because

The Main Parking lots have This Sign


the back way in is a fire lane


across the road is

and only way in was to park way down here


and hike up over the hill . not an easy task for me :tongue3:


then of course all the briars up back had me bleeding all over.
I seem to Attract Briars :tongue3:

anyway, not a good day for coins.

mainly trash


a few keepers

piece of leather with rivets

and a bra or garter clip


Hotcake Clog Shoe


and though My Nephew Eye Balled this first & Threw it my Way.
I claimed it :coffee2:

Vintage Northestern Wood Golf Club Driver #5

no handle


Upvote 22

I picture someone back when the rains were heavy and the mud was deep...


Great post Jeff...it's not always about what we find...but how we find it...Kudos on getting the kiddos out into the parks...grass is an ever-shrinking commodity with the advances of progress. Congrats...Ddf

Great post Jeff...it's not always about what we find...but how we find it...Kudos on getting the kiddos out into the parks...grass is an ever-shrinking commodity with the advances of progress. Congrats...Ddf

thanks ! & I have to Laugh at the Word " kiddos " My nephew is 37 , not quite a kiddo
anymore. but definitely great trusted company :thumbsup:

jeff of pa, boy O boy, how many times have we made an "Extreme" effort like you had, with a place like that, with the nervous energy and the anticipation of finding something really good, with visions of silver coins dancing around in our heads, only to end up with tired legs and ZIP to show for it. Only then to go to a very unassuming place not expecting much, just the need to go out and swing a coil and then "BAM", finding a couple of REALLY good items. We are a odd sort of group to keep doing it, fortunately we have a place to gather like Tnet. Three things, First, we admire your effort, second, we understand the bit of disappointment after having made that effort, and Third, after the Treasure Gods have had their fun with you, Next time out they may give you a break and smile down upon you and then "BAM" you'll find a couple of REALLY good items. It happens.

I picture someone back when the rains were heavy and the mud was deep...


About 10 years ago I was living in an apartment and there was a convenience store that was almost quicker to walk to than drive to if you went under the train tracks. I decided to go get a drink on foot, it was getting dark so I couldn't tell exactly how muddy it was under the tracks when I was going underneath them. Well, it was very muddy - it slllluurrrped me halfway to my knee. I think the exact words out of my mouth were "Damn my shoe!" as I embarrassingly walked back to my apartment minus one New Balance shoe and mud nearly to my knee. I guarantee that shoe is still there, possibly with a few other friends.

jeff of pa, boy O boy, how many times have we made an "Extreme" effort like you had, with a place like that, with the nervous energy and the anticipation of finding something really good, with visions of silver coins dancing around in our heads, only to end up with tired legs and ZIP to show for it. Only then to go to a very unassuming place not expecting much, just the need to go out and swing a coil and then "BAM", finding a couple of REALLY good items. We are a odd sort of group to keep doing it, fortunately we have a place to gather like Tnet. Three things, First, we admire your effort, second, we understand the bit of disappointment after having made that effort, and Third, after the Treasure Gods have had their fun with you, Next time out they may give you a break and smile down upon you and then "BAM" you'll find a couple of REALLY good items. It happens.

This very well may be what happens. After hiking the hills and finding not much of anything, Jeff took me to KFC for lunch. While eating, an old coworker and friend of mine walked in, hadn't seen her in years. After a few seconds of talking, she asked what I was doing there, so far from my home. Well, after telling her she says "come do the historical society grounds in my town, i'm in charge of them" BAM, early 1800's site acquired. AND they own two other lots........AND she herself owns two properties, 1863 & 1795. Major score for permission, now just have to go and actually find something, but the anticipation itself is well worth the effort we will give, no matter the finds!

One time on my boat when the tide was waaaaaayyyyy out on / in some flats...

Was trying to beat it out of an area before i knew i would be stuck...


I didn't make it ... heh

Let me tell you about a muck patch that came from another planet.

Kool thread , Pa turf looks better green than white ... have fun !


Yeah, I'd say that qualifies for "extreme"! Too bad it wasn't more worth the effort. But an excellent post!


You're a better man than me for picking up that condom wrapper. I stumbled across a couple of them when I was swinging through some woods yesterday, and I left them right where they were! :laughing7:

You're a better man than me for picking up that condom wrapper. I stumbled across a couple of them when I was swinging through some woods yesterday, and I left them right where they were! :laughing7:

I thought candy/gum wrapper when I dug it.
Come up as foil & was about a half inch deep.

wasn't till I looked at the picture here and saw the words 1 latex that I realized what it is.

And you even found some love bwahaha

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