Jr. Member
A few weeks ago I posted on another forum about how we at EHT ( may use our ability as TV producers to intiate, and make public a new association for metal detecting enthusiasts. I have two reasons why I feel that a new organization for metal detector hobbyisits, who will fight for their right to detect, are needed.
First, after reading about what has happened in Virginia I feel that someone has to begin to act in a more proactive movement against that kind of bureaucratic nonsense. The organizations we as metal detector users have joined in the past and that are out there now are not helping us.
Second, a few days ago I received a letter from a local Archeologist who in so many words grouped me into the same class of "dirtbags" that loot, pilfer and in his words "pot" historical sites. Apparently this individual had read the local newspaper article that printed a feature about our TV series. You can view the article on our website. This Archy in his letter, wrote that I "would be hearing from the New York State Archeology Society." He also stated, again after he pegged me as a criminal,(this guy doesn't even know me)that he "dislikes the philosophy of "treasure hunters." In his words, "treasure hunters" take what belongs to the states, and they do it illegally. By the way, the article stated that I was a treasure hunter. Which I do not have a problem with.
You will be able to read the letter in a few days once I get it scanned and onto our website.
Enough is enough! I am again asking all of you to join with me in an effort to protect our rights within this hobby. I believe that freedom of the press has the power to change opinion. I want to use EHT as the catalyst for power. In doing so I will surround myself with the best people I can by starting an organization that will fight for our rights so that our states and or communities do not end up like Virginia. I have the ability, with my TV series, which already promotes the positive aspects to our hobby, to create a massive public forum to fight against the nonsense the Archy's are iniating.
However, I cannot do it alone. Please email me with your thoughts and ideas about this issue. Give me names of influential people you may know who could join us. This forum is a powerful network of people. Combine that with our TV production capabilities, and we can become a powerful force for the hobby.
Frank W. Pandozzi
First, after reading about what has happened in Virginia I feel that someone has to begin to act in a more proactive movement against that kind of bureaucratic nonsense. The organizations we as metal detector users have joined in the past and that are out there now are not helping us.
Second, a few days ago I received a letter from a local Archeologist who in so many words grouped me into the same class of "dirtbags" that loot, pilfer and in his words "pot" historical sites. Apparently this individual had read the local newspaper article that printed a feature about our TV series. You can view the article on our website. This Archy in his letter, wrote that I "would be hearing from the New York State Archeology Society." He also stated, again after he pegged me as a criminal,(this guy doesn't even know me)that he "dislikes the philosophy of "treasure hunters." In his words, "treasure hunters" take what belongs to the states, and they do it illegally. By the way, the article stated that I was a treasure hunter. Which I do not have a problem with.
You will be able to read the letter in a few days once I get it scanned and onto our website.
Enough is enough! I am again asking all of you to join with me in an effort to protect our rights within this hobby. I believe that freedom of the press has the power to change opinion. I want to use EHT as the catalyst for power. In doing so I will surround myself with the best people I can by starting an organization that will fight for our rights so that our states and or communities do not end up like Virginia. I have the ability, with my TV series, which already promotes the positive aspects to our hobby, to create a massive public forum to fight against the nonsense the Archy's are iniating.
However, I cannot do it alone. Please email me with your thoughts and ideas about this issue. Give me names of influential people you may know who could join us. This forum is a powerful network of people. Combine that with our TV production capabilities, and we can become a powerful force for the hobby.
Frank W. Pandozzi
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