Can someone explain the flaking pattern of the left piece? The flake on the right is just a flake, with a clear bulb of percussion whereas the piece on the left, is reversed (numerous times.) I assume stuff was intentionally flaked off that piece? For what reason?
Thanks for your input... so that pattern is something you typically see just on waste flake or did someone flake that off? To me, it looks flaked off intentionally (though I wouldn't know why anyone would work on that piece right there) because that is the "underside" or "inside" of the flake... but maybe that's just the way it broke. I'm a newbie, only doing this for a couple of weeks, so I'm trying to learn what I can.
Not all rock is created equal. I think it just happened. IMHO I know on occasion when I am spalling out a heat treated rock I will get that wavy look on the rock or the debitage. Unintentional for sure.