Ever seen anything like this? HUGE animals formed from acres of pine trees

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Dec 17, 2015
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Golden Thread
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All Treasure Hunting
I live along the White River in Arkansas. Lots of Spanish lore and KGC related items in this area. I have many pictures of carvings and other animals, even two native faces formed from trees.. The faces and animals I am seeing from google earth. Here is a pic of a turtle, donkey, and a llama....I think. Can anyone help with this. I have racked my brain and scoured the web for anything like them and haven't found much.


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What the ?

"racked your brain" ? heh.

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Yea, as in I've gone down every avenue of thought, AARC. Not oak island but I do see the similarities in oak island looking like an elephant but these are on top of a "mountain". There's also a bear and paws, a rabbit, two Native American side profiles, two hearts, and something resembling Serpent Mounds in Ohio.

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Brother, you are trying to make something out of nothing. That's just stands of pines that have not been cut or are growing in area's that have little more growing than pine tree's. Those are just my thoughts though and I am not trying to down play what you are seeing. I just don't see anything...d2

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The dominant trees are oak. Not pine

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That I am aware of. I would guess the pines are on ridges or drier places that are more prevalent to growing pine tree's. I hope it's treasure symbols and you figure something out. I'm not trying to start an argument with you at all. There's lots of stuff that I have the inability to see, you can ask my wife as she points out my blindness on several things every day...d2

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That I am aware of. I would guess the pines are on ridges or drier places that are more prevalent to growing pine tree's. I hope it's treasure symbols and you figure something out. I'm not trying to start an argument with you at all. There's lots of stuff that I have the inability to see, you can ask my wife as she points out my blindness on several things every day...d2

It's a turtle, donkey, and a llama...I believe. I know of the donkey and turtle to be Spanish signs but I'm wondering if maybe they could be KGC because I've also found two hearts. One heart is on top of a ridge that has been leveled off and had the rocks forming a perimeter around the heart.


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I see what looks like a 40 that has been cleared and perchance a banking ground sorta in the NW corner of it and that sits on the West side of a ridge and maybe chicken houses on the East side. Tell me what I missed or what I am supposed to see. And the South line was not ran proper and they left about 2-3 loads of logs that they didn't cut...d2

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I see what looks like a 40 that has been cleared and perchance a banking ground sorta in the NW corner of it and that sits on the West side of a ridge and maybe chicken houses on the East side. Tell me what I missed or what I am supposed to see. And the South line was not ran proper and they left about 2-3 loads of logs that they didn't cut...d2
Correct on the 40.. Look to the right of the diamond shape the clear cut makes... On top of the mountain is a Native American face, side profile. Looks like the Cleveland Indians mascot, feather and all. He's looking to the left.

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Yes, it is! But has nothing to do with what's in plain site. I've been to these sites, boots on ground, and they are full of bent trees, carvings, and weird rock formations. I've talked to Hillbilly Bob Brewer about this matter and he says that all along the White River in Independence, Stone, and Izard Counties are hotspots and good places to lose your ability to breath. Ancient natives were here, the Spanish were here and definitely the KGC were here. I'm just waiting on the day all of this madness pays off but I'm a novice and an Army vet with insomnia, persistence, and nothing but time.

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I see what your talking about but it looks like a Razorback to me. I don't think that the KGC or the Spaniards or anyone else would have planted stuff to be seen from the air when there was no way to see it back then. I did find this in 2005...d2treasure tree.webp

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Awesome, nice tree. Could you make anything from it? Yea that's what puzzles me about it being only seen from air, makes me think of Nazca lines or Serpent and Alligator Mound. The places I'm finding are full of bent trees and the pines aren't more than 150 years old.

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Yes by looking from the air You can see many things.
my guess almost all are natural

and if you turn them you can probably see more.

cartoon Pig, Elephants head, shark,letters can all be seen here my letting your imagination play.

this one I would swear was on Purpose,
But wouldn't be surprised to find out it's natural.
I don't think the Amish are that artistic.

Goose Stepping !

Untitled1.webp Untitled3 - Copy.webpUntitled3 - Copy.webp

if you use effects and Find Edges option, and a little imagination.
it gets even Freakier
now you got a profile view of his (her?) face, a barn in the back , a bull dog at his feet :laughing7:

Untitled3 - Copy.webp

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The thought of pictures made from trees is a little "off" and far fetched...
Even IF this was the intent... There would be no reason other than an attempt to communicate with the "gods"...
Not a msg...
Or a "trail"... OR map.

The thought of trees being used to "tell a story" would be an awful LONG story...
For it would take years after planting for them to even reach a maturity that would be "visible" from afar.

So... that being said...

I also think you are seeing "pictures in the clouds" here.

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Yes, it is! But has nothing to do with what's in plain site. I've been to these sites, boots on ground, and they are full of bent trees, carvings, and weird rock formations. I've talked to Hillbilly Bob Brewer about this matter and he says that all along the White River in Independence, Stone, and Izard Counties are hotspots and good places to lose your ability to breath. Ancient natives were here, the Spanish were here and definitely the KGC were here. I'm just waiting on the day all of this madness pays off but I'm a novice and an Army vet with insomnia, persistence, and nothing but time.

Thank you for your service.

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i think he is talking about the season changing the tree colors! its like pixels and thinking you see movement on night vision video, he sees animals in the brown and green. top one looks like a hawk with wings spread in top right side and on top left a rider on a horse. its nature! man did not do that

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Well give him a break.. there is something too this . You just don't understand. It's way bigger than most mind can handle. It will be revealed some.

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You are correct BackwoodsBob. Most minds cannot handle the enormity of this. Shatters known concepts of history.

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