ever find cobs in the gulf?

I would think you could just about find them anywhere . There was another link in this forum stating that Mel Fishers daughter mentioned , him quoting '' There is a wreck site every 150 or so meters along the coastlines of Florida " , Now whether or not they were Treasure Fleets is the question . Perhaps passengers carried their own loot and maybe perished from inclement weather or what have you - may expose evidence of the type of wreck , who knows ,,,, Why did you find something ? Keep us posted , would be interesting to hear ....

If I am not mistaken, seems I remember reading as a kid growing up in Tampa that there were several pirates working the Gulf Coast, so I can't see why there would not be some.

I'm going to Ft Walton Beach this Thanksgiving weekend. From one source I have, there are not that many wrecks or caches around Panama City. 2 shipwrecks, one was loaded with Rum the other 5 milion in gold bullion. A few more toward the east and west.

we are hitting a cpl beaches this weekend on the east coast....one spot know for its spanish silver cobs..will let you guys know if we find any..what is their value??..tried looking it up on the net..gregg

They gotta be there. Once at Galviston beach I saw Norm Garnush, thegoldenolde.com/ dig up a cobb with his CZ20 near the waters edge. He showed me the "Happy Dance." First time I'd seen it.


Reales have poped up all along the Gulf Coast. Panama City, St. Marks, Cedar Key, Nokomis, Charlotte Harbor area and others.

well we did not even get a single junk hit on the inlet or a few other areas along the coast on our trip.... :-[


ocalasix said:
well we did not even get a single junk hit on the inlet or a few other areas along the coast on our trip.... :-[

some new sand might have blew in and covered up what few finds were left from summer

ocalasix, when they first pumped that grey sand onto the beach South of the inlet( I assume you mean Sebastian Inlet) it had lots of chewed up aluminum can bits. It was junky sand and stuff that they trucked in. I know they filled it since with the same, it was impossible to not get any of that. But hopefully the filled in sand will go away and reveal the normal sand. That is where all the good stuff lays. I was at one of the beaches known for finding stuff, and the sand was way down. Next time it was 8 feet tall and way wide. Then when the hurricanes blew it away, they pumped it again.

But I never found any cobs on the Gulf coast- I would like to hear about some, if any, that were found though.

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