Even if you could use the cash....who has a hard time selling their finds?

Feb 23, 2009
Moscow-ish, Pa
Detector(s) used
Minelab X-Terra 705 w/7.5&3kHz coils

I’ve thought about this quite a bit.
For me, MD’ing is more about uncovering history……..holding a cent, a skeleton key, a political button, a token, and thinking “Wow! Tell me….what’s your story! Where’ve you been? What lives have you touched?” and so on.

It is for THAT reason. The fact that if not for me coming along……this item may very well have been erased forever. I continue the story of every item I uncover.

That is why I don’t think I’ll be able to sell ANYTHING whether it is a CrackerJack toy or an honest to goodness $500 valued coin. I'll be attached.

Who out there is like that? And to whom doesn’t it matter? Can you or can you not let your finds go?


Clad and other new coins I tally up after the season and spend. Relics, marbles, items left at the park are cleaned and kept. I find towels shirts and misellaneous items that people think their rich enough to leave these things behind and buy more. Rings, bracelets and other fine jewelry, I will advertise as found, call to identify. I rarely get the person that ask me to describe the item so they can claim it. Most people are eager to get an item back and all to eager to give enough detail as to what they lost.

I have gotten rewards for finding jewelry and sometimes permission to hunt their property to find other lost items. And they usually let me keep change and other small items found in their yard.

It's not about the money with me. Like prospecting, it's not about the riches from the hobby, it's about the hunt and and the excitement of the find.

I take my CLAD to the bank and I sell my every day silver to the club for their annual hunt. As far as rings, coins older than 1900, Silver coins that are in outstanding conditions and all my other treasures I would never sell them. I have given items away to individuals that appreciate what they mean but would never sell them.

I hunt relics and artifacts for tha fun of finding
history. It rewards my work in research and
digginu up tha items I value.

I don't want to sell them, although I will give
something away on accasion, or even trade
an item every now and then.

I hunt gold jewelry for money and for tha fun
of it.

I love to return items, but that doesn't happen

I keep all tha tot lots in central Arkansas clean
of nails, fish hooks, glass, razor blades, open
safty pins, strait pins, neadles, screws, amunition,
and just about anything that I can find that will
hurt kids.

If tha piece is real nice, I'll keep it.

Other wise, that joker dude is goin ta Mid West
Refinery in exchange for $,$$$.$$

I'm on a small fixed income. I hunt for treasure
and money.

Happy Huntin,


That's exactly how I feel too, Gary.

The items have a history - and by me holding it, appreciating it, i think I validate that history, and begin to add my own.
That's why things like buttons, badges, belt buckles, that belonged to a person are so much more interesting than the coins.
There are psychics who claim they can "read" the vibrations on those personal objects - not sure I can do that, but I do like the feeling of connection I get by owning it. It goes way beyond the monetary value.
Glad you could sense that too. :thumbsup:


About 4 years ago I sold a 1909S that I had detected that was in very good shape. The coin dealer gave me $60 for it. The thing is, I didn't even need the money. NEVER again. Haven't sold anything since and don't plan too. Clad doesn't count.

Not sure how to say this without sounding crass (can't think of the right word) :-\

I have been blessed to have had anything I've ever wanted In life and so I rarely get attached to anything I find. (don't get me wrong, I am not wealthy) I work for a living making a modest income yet all my and my family's needs are met through that and our faith.

I made a promise to myself and to God to donate all profit from treasure hunting to charity, so for me treasure hunting is all about the adventure and the thrill of the chase. Every now and then I have felt some attachment to certain gold nuggets that I have found, but the money was donated to a good cause which makes me very happy and since there are always more nuggets or treasure to be found it's on to the next adventure and I never look back. :thumbsup:


I mostly keep the junque or historic relics and give away the rings and the silver and gold items to family members. It's the chase for me also rather than the finds. If I ever sold anything it would be to a museum so others could enjoy it. I don't begrudge anyone who does sell their finds. Some people make their traveling and battery money that way. And I have noted that some sell things so they can go to far away places to hunt. Then some just need the money and that's fine with me too. Monty

Goodyguy said:
Not sure how to say this without sounding crass.


Not at all!

You're a man speaking from his heart and stands up for his convictions.
I find no fault in that.


I get the biggest thrill out of just finding things, owning them and hoarding them just doesn't do it for me. I will sell anything I find, coins, fossils, points...whatever the item. If someone wants to trade me money for something I found I am all for it. I am just gonna go find more anyway. I can't think of anything I have ever sold that I have felt bad about later.
There have been a few things I have found that I didn't sell though, the only SLQ I have ever dug went to the lady whose yard I dug it out of. I can still say I dug one and she wanted it so no big deal, I was just ecstatic to be the one who found it. When I first got my detector my sister asked me to try to find her ring that her daughter lost several years ago, took about an hour and its back on her finger now. She is happy she got it back and I can say I found a silver ring. I also found a brass or copper furniture tag that read "F.M. Petty drygoods and carpets Maryville Missouri" it had no real monetary value but the local historical society loved it and now its in a display case in their museum.
I know there are folks that won't part with their finds and don't understand those of us who will, thats OK with me, I have never really cared one way or another what someone elses opinion of me is. I guess I am really into this hobby for the thrill of the hunt and if I can make a few bucks here and there, well thats just icing on the cake for me.

HH Charlie

i am stuck between a rock and hard place
i love my finds but being our income is below 18,000 a year i need to off load some items
my problem is finding away of getting a fair price
for example i have the 10k Nazi pin it cant be listed on eBay
i was told by a member of t-net (who knew all the info as to what u-boat it came from etc)
that it should start at $1000 in an auction but i cant find one that will handle Nazi stuff
i posted it on t-net an so far i have been offered $50 for it
most of what i find is not worth much but it would be nice to have away of selling some stuff

fmerg said:
i am stuck between a rock and hard place
i love my finds but being our income is below 18,000 a year i need to off load some items
my problem is finding away of getting a fair price
for example i have the 10k Nazi pin it cant be listed on eBay
i was told by a member of t-net (who knew all the info as to what u-boat it came from etc)
that it should start at $1000 in an auction but i cant find one that will handle Nazi stuff
i posted it on t-net an so far i have been offered $50 for it
most of what i find is not worth much but it would be nice to have away of selling some stuff

Here are some alternatives Just to name a few.

Good luck


Would think a museum would be interested in that pin of yours.


fmerg said:
i am stuck between a rock and hard place
i love my finds but being our income is below 18,000 a year i need to off load some items
my problem is finding away of getting a fair price
for example i have the 10k Nazi pin it cant be listed on eBay
i was told by a member of t-net (who knew all the info as to what u-boat it came from etc)
that it should start at $1000 in an auction but i cant find one that will handle Nazi stuff
i posted it on t-net an so far i have been offered $50 for it
most of what i find is not worth much but it would be nice to have away of selling some stuff

Sold plenty, mostly doubles, but kept more. Absolutely 100% everything made of metal in this world has a price as far as I'm concerned. My better finds I keep because even if offered for sale no one would want to pay several times the market value, and that is what I would need to part with them. A good portion what I have i don't really care that much about, it's just cool having a lot of stuff. I probably keep it just as much to show visitors as I do because I found it.

Kind of like the Antiques road show. It's easy to get some "Expert" to say oh yes your lamp is worth $3000, but try and find some one who's actually willing to pay you $3000, heck you'll be lucky to find someone willing to give you $30 bucks. ::)

ah" real world " vs the mythical "appraised" value --- a item is worth as much as they will give you and as little as you will take for it ---once those two "ends" meet and a deal is done --thats whats its worth on any given day -- now to just the right rich nut collector that item could be worth a bundle --but to the normal joe --it might be junk not worth a cent. --its all in finding the right buyer for what your selling . -- most of the serious big antique dealers make a habit of knowing which old rich kooks collect what.

We are all diffrent, that's what makes the world go around. The only way i could sell anything i have found
is if my little girl looked up at me and said daddy i am hungry. I have a display case that i love to add to.
I still take my finds out and lay them on the coffee table and re-live ever one. No matter what you do with
your finds this is the best hobby in the world.

I mostly keep any coins I find, and will actively selling anything else. It is fun finding the items, but if someone else would appreciate it more than I, it could be theirs. I feel good when an item goes to somebody that will really enjoy it.

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