Thanks guys. It was actually the first find of the day. Me and a buddy pulled up, I got out of my truck and grabbed my gear, threw on the headphones and dug it maybe fifteen feet from the truck.
We were on some old Colonial farmland here in New Hampshire. Last year, my buddy dug a GW button at the next farm over. I got to witness that one, as I was not fifty feet away at the time.
I went on to dig a musket ball, a wheatie, two drawer pulls, and a few other odds and ends. Nothing to top the button though, from either of us.
Right after I found the button, my buddy scratches his head and goes, "Man, I can't believe it. I've hunted this field for 6+ hours before. Guess I didn't get everything."
Then in a soft tone, the Equinox whispers up to me, "Damn right he didn't..."