Calabash Digger

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Apr 18, 2016
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Nice video with good information, thank you for sharing! :icon_thumleft:

Another great vid! :occasion14:

I watched your video to learn how to ground balance the thing...

Thanks for posting this! Really.

Good video, man that makes me miss my vaqueros. I've sold off a couple to try something else and regret getting rid of them, uh oh, my birthday is coming up, I see a vaq. In my future.

Yeah put a 5.75 concentric or even the Tesoro widescan on that part where you tested for seperation vs the Equinox and lets see if she picks up that nugget picker. :dontknow:

I guess we all see things different... I saw if from a different perspective,, the vaq performed fine BUT it did not blow the Nox away or any of the other detectors away that I have tested except the at series. It seperated fine...etc.. Heres the kicker there is no way I would give up a multi tone machine to hunt with a single tone machine. There are way to many disadvantages for me to do so..... If the Tesoro had some kind of superior separation capabilities I would consider it but it doesn't so imo nothing to be gained from it except NOT knowing what your digging before you dig it..

Great Vid! I thought it was spot on with my own personal use.
I was always impressed with the unmasking of a coin around iron with the vaq, but I'm right there with you there something fun about multi-tone, VDI and having a sense of what your digging. To me it's just an awesome feeling when you see that VDI jump up to a target you would dig when you can hear the grunt of iron nails all around it.

I believe (in my experience) most gold targets are notched out around the mark before the nickel, which creates a bit of problem in trashy sites because if you want the gold your digging on solid tone alone and unfortunately for Tesoro users that means digging more trash. This was always an issue for me at parks I dug some rings but it was difficult to not dig pull tabs, can slaw, bolts, etc..

The one advantage I always felt comfortable just keeping the Tesoro in a hot truck driving around or while I was at work all day. I'm a little more nervous/protective about the NOX with the screen.

For me it was either sell the vaquero, buy another dd or smaller coil for it, or buy the Nox. I chose to sell the tesoro and by a Nox 600 so I'm in the hole about $400. (Can't keep em all..yet anyway)

I have owned a couple of Vaqueros and a couple Tejons....and after using both I will tell you that the Tejon will out perform the Vaq in iron tests. It is also hotter on lower conductors like lead and gold. Im not saying it will out perform the Equinox, but would have faired better than the Vaquero in my opinion. The Tejon is pretty impressive at unmasking in iron with the 5.75 concentric coil. The thing is it is hard to compare these Tesoro machines to multi tone machines and be fair about it. I see it as this: If your multi tone machine is still retaining an accurate ID and tone for the given target at a certain depth then the Tesoro should give a solid tone with disc set just below that given target. If you set disc at just above iron and get a good hit on a silver dime, the machine could be IDing the dime as foil....they are just two totally different animals and are hard to compare. Good video none the less.

I understand your point CD on tones for grass hunting for sure but, most of my hunting consist of plowed fields where i just want to hear one tone anyways. Most of the multi tone machines I've tried get to much bleed over from iron in the high tones and drives me nuts. I have a patriot now that I actually have listed to trade for a vaquero elsewhere because I only set it up one tone anyways and dig everything above iron.
So I don't even utilize most of the machine potential. Plus when it's deep plowed the light weight is nice as you have to hold it up the whole time. If I hunted more than I do I should have kept my Deus, but I felt it was a lot of money tied up just sitting. So back to the vaquero I go....

I am more of a coin shooter with the occasional invite to a cw site. I loved my tejon but stopped using it after i got my Impact. At least the Tejon went to a good home and is being used often again. It was an incredible machine with only one drawback, 8AA batteries to run the thing. If i ever get another Tesoro, i will likely get a VAQ for the simple fact it uses one 9v battery and is more suited to coin shooting over the Tejon.

I am still waiting for the Terry Soloman Report on the Makro Kruzer before i make my decision between the Kruzer and the Nox. I already know what he thinks of the Nox but am still very curious about his thoughts on the Kruzer. I purchased my Tesoros and Impact based on Terry's opinion and have not regretted it one bit.

LOL Terry, no pressure.

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