Email I sent to Law Committee; good read on 2078



Subj: Thank You on HB2078
Date: 2/5/2005 11:45:37 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Wol7J
To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Dear Sir or Madam:

I want to thank each member of the Criminal Law and Courts of Justice Committees who helped by closely examining the contents of HB2078. I believe this bill would have made a bad law and by doing your job well you helped us all and supported my efforts to stop this bill. Thank You.

As a citizen of Virginia it is difficult to see what happens in the legislature. In fact it was not until yesterday that we were able to find out what was in the revised bill. Many of my friends did not even realize that the committee helped us. Some assumed since the bill passed 21-0 all our efforts had failed. The words "thank you" are not enough for your help.

There is a consensus growing now that as a group we do not want the revised bill either. It contains a position for a State Archaeologist who will likely carry out the intent of the original bill at the discretion of the Director. We do not want a full time state employee working against our hobby.

From Vandlandingham I have:

Mr. Wolfe:
I developed this bill in response to archaeologists' concerns that relic
hunters are coming to Virginia in response to web site advertisements and
there is danger that archaeological sites will be destroyed.

From COVA website I have: Minutes from Fall COVA Meeting: New Business:

B. American Digger/DIV/Looting (Heath)
Hardison explained the history of how the archaeological community came to hear about the incidents of group looting on private sites in Virginia. Specifically, a dig occurred in March on a Civil War site that attracted about 60 people. On November 12 through 14th, there is a similar dig in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Participants pay to be involved in the artifact hunt. Hardison contacted COVA and ASV and asked them to write letter of guidance to DHR on what to do about this issue. Heath set up meeting with DHR in October. Hardison stated that ASV supports COVA on this issue. There was some discussion of protesting the November event either in person or in the media. Heath relayed that the EB talked about what COVA might do to work towards hindering the looting and collecting/sale of artifacts. Some of the issues the EB discussed included: if we want to pursue local or state legislation; reworking regulations on excavating human burials on private property; advocating for a state archaeologist to deal with and be the point person for these issues; and the strong private property rights movement in Virginia. Cressey talked to her delegate (Marian Vanlaningham) to promote state action.
Lifted from this excerpt I see:

the EB talked about what COVA might do to work towards hindering the looting and collecting/sale of artifacts.
1. pursue local or state legislation
2. reworking regulations on excavating human burials on private property
3. advocating for a state archaeologist to deal with and be the point person for these issues
4. Cressey talked to her delegate (Marian Vanlaningham) to promote state action

Clearly in their own words the intent of this bill was to "to work towards hindering the looting and collecting/sale of artifacts." Hey, thats what I call relic hunting but I find only a few relics and have never sold any I found. And I don't understand what "excavating human burials" has to do with relic hunting unless you think relic hunters are grave robbers. Hey, we are not the ones that dig up dead people and keep them in drawers to study.

If bill HB2078 passes there will be another paid state archaeologist whose job it is to "to work towards hindering the looting and collecting/sale of artifacts." I for one do not want this.

I ask you to vote against this bill when it comes up in the house. Can you do this?

Joe Wolfe

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Excellent note Joe and keep up the good work!

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