eBay Subforum!

I don't see why not... there's a global warming subforum

I second that.

Maybe, but you might have to transfer 90% of the Garage Sale Posts.

I'd vote no on the idea. We'd have 104 threads in a ebay sub-forum, and 3 or 4 threads in the finds forum.

To me, both the 'finds' threads and ebay are equally intertwined. No need to separate them.

I would support a new name for the forum to better describe what most of the posts represent, which is garage sale, estate sale and auction finds.

I don't see it happening, it would be in direct competition with several of our major forums including our classifieds which is a major feature of charter membership.

I say no way and no thank you!

Begin rant.

The garage sales forum is one of my favorite sections of this entire website. It is a small "community" where people have certain areas of expertise and offer real, meaningful replies to real, meaningful topics of discussion. The last thing I want is for the garage sales section to turn into an "ebay help desk" where the same 10 topics keep repeating. Many of the members who post in this section have been using ebay for 10+ years and have developed their knowledge and understanding of ebay over time. I will be damned if I'm gonna share 10+ years of experience just so a forum member who joined 1 month ago can ask "what are the fees", when 90% of what you need to know about ebay can be found via a very simple Google search.

I think we do a fine job of discussing ebay issues as they arise in the garage sales forum, already. As long as the topics are somewhat meaningful and as long as someone isn't just being lazy and wanting a fast easy answer (without doing their own research), then I will continue to actively participate in the discussions.

End rant.

I say no way and no thank you!

Begin rant.

The garage sales forum is one of my favorite sections of this entire website. It is a small "community" where people have certain areas of expertise and offer real, meaningful replies to real, meaningful topics of discussion. The last thing I want is for the garage sales section to turn into an "ebay help desk" where the same 10 topics keep repeating. Many of the members who post in this section have been using ebay for 10+ years and have developed their knowledge and understanding of ebay over time. I will be damned if I'm gonna share 10+ years of experience just so a forum member who joined 1 month ago can ask "what are the fees", when 90% of what you need to know about ebay can be found via a very simple Google search.

I think we do a fine job of discussing ebay issues as they arise in the garage sales forum, already. As long as the topics are somewhat meaningful and as long as someone isn't just being lazy and wanting a fast easy answer (without doing their own research), then I will continue to actively participate in the discussions.

End rant.

An Ebay forum would be useless as it would be populated only by Ebay newbies.

Jerseyben's rant demonstrates that those with Ebay experience would have no reason nor desire to go to that forum.

I think Ben explained why we don't need one. Although many who frequent this forum sell on ebay, first and foremost this is a forum to show off your finds, not teach you how to sell them. Many legitimate ebay questions have been asked and answered on here in the past. I'm sure it will continue just the same in the future. No reason to change it. Ebay has a forum for any and every topic under the sun that pertains to them.

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Digs said it, if you need an ebay forum, they have plenty.

Could we have an ebay rant forum and a post office rant forum?

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