Dug up an ancient doll head - please help me identify and date


Jr. Member
Apr 23, 2013
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
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Dang, No picture. Clicking on the attachment doesn't work for me anyhow.

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Use " insert image" little square icon that looks like a picture frame and tree.
Instead of attachment.

I tried all of these too and everything else. We will have to wait for the Admins to fix this for us. I am having issues too. Doesn't matter what size I try to put up.

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The pictures are in .png format which may not be compatible with TNnet's software. Open the pictures on your' PC using the Paint Program, re-save as .jpg files, then re-load them to this Thread. They should load as .jpg files!


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AKA sunset.jpgI just loaded this photo to see if it works. It's a .jpg filed. Like huntsman said, you need
to change the file. There are only four photo files that work, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, and .gif, so go into your photo program and make sure you are using one of those files.

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Diggummup, did you post his pictures for him. That is sure interesting, and I think kind of unique. How about posting it on the Native American artifacts forum, I'm really interested in hearing what the experts are going to say.

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Diggummup, did you post his pictures for him. That is sure interesting, and I think kind of unique. How about posting it on the Native American artifacts forum, I'm really interested in hearing what the experts are going to say.
Yes I did. Interesting doll head or effigy or whatever it is. I'd love to know more about it myself. Here is another similar but different one dug up in Indiana also, it's larger-
Hoosiers For Fair Taxation: Indiana Stone Head Artifact (or what I gave up)

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This is interesting. I had a good long time mining buddy out in Carlin Nevada who had all kinds of cool things collected by his ancestors. guns, war spoils, stone artifacts, etc. We always got together when I was out in Nevada and talked treasure stories, mine claims & the Korean war as my father served in it and he never got to know his birth dad as he was killed in that conflict. My buddy read all he could on the war in Korea and even made contact with fellow service men who knew his dad. He grew up in SW Colorado. He showed me a carved stone head figure around three years ago he said his mother found in the Escalante Canyon of western Colorado in the 1950s. It was made of a hard white stone and did look old, as I based that on the patina and mineral deposit on it. That friend died around two years ago now and I sure wish I took a picture of that stone head. I never remember I have a camera on a phone. :(

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Man, that thing is creepy! I would have put it back where I found it.

I'm WAY out of my comfort zone trying to help with this one. Maybe post it in the Indian artifacts forum.


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OUTSTANDING find! :thumbsup: If your friend was a member of TNet, I would nominate it for BANNER!


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We have to look back over 2000 years into the Iron Age (Celtic) to find such a stone head. It amazes me that something that 'young' was produced in the new world time frame.

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