Dug and sifted 3 yards of dirt for this! Oops! Also found a miners tag?


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Oct 31, 2006
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Dug and sifted 3 yards of dirt for this! Oops! Also found a miner's tag?

Today I finished searching privy #3 in our ghost town, and it was slightly deeper than the other two. Measuring 3x4 feet, and 8 feet deep, it holds a volume of whatever product of 96 cubic feet. Since it was only filled to a foot from the top, it still required the removal of 84 cubic feet of soil to reach bottom. That's just over 3 cubic yards if that matters to you, and I sifted every inch of it. Among maybe a half dozen other bottles, this one yielded this small Bromo-Seltzer bottle, three clay marbles, a regular marble and this wheat penny which just won't give up a date. In three privies, Kiros32 and I have found a grand total of two wheats :-\. The bottles have more than made up for the lack of coin, however. The sad find of the day was the broken remains of a green mason jar with the hole for a carrying wire and the patent date of July 14, 1906; figures I would find a clear jar intact >:(. I managed to refill the hole about halfway before a violent wind/thunderstorm hit; I managed to get myself and my important equipment out of the woods before I was too soaked. We'll be looking for (hopefully) another older privy next; this was concrete, the first was block and the second brick.
While cleaning more artifacts this afternoon, I came across this 2" piece that I believe is a miner's tag. This was a mining company town.


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Re: Dug and sifted 3 yards of dirt for this!

cool stuff

Re: Dug and sifted 3 yards of dirt for this!

Dang, that's tough luck! I have a long brass probe for probing privys, but have never dug one. Oh, be sure to wash your hands! M :wink: nty

Re: Dug and sifted 3 yards of dirt for this!

Cool stuff but sounds like a lot of serious work to dig and sift all that dirt ... maybe the next privy will contain the "big payoff" ... good luck!

Re: Dug and sifted 3 yards of dirt for this!

some times there has been gold and silver coins found them good luck.

Re: Dug and sifted 3 yards of dirt for this!

Very nice bottle and marbles....I have been thinking of digging a privy..Its a very old site i have detected and found 2 beautiful 1803 large cents and colonial coins...The site dates from 1780's through 1800's

Re: Dug and sifted 3 yards of dirt for this!

That's a lot of soil, good luck on the next one. Neat marbles :icon_thumright:

Re: Dug and sifted 3 yards of dirt for this!

A lot of work for sure, but still some neat things.

Re: Dug and sifted 3 yards of dirt for this!

A few questions:
1) At what level are you finding stuff? Does it all sink to the bottom, then the privy was filled?
Or are the finds at different levels?
2) Do you have any pictures of the privy - before, during, after - the hole is dug?
3) How do you find an old privy?

Re: Dug and sifted 3 yards of dirt for this!

Non-clay marble may be worth something. Be sure and check it out.

Re: Dug and sifted 3 yards of dirt for this!

TooManyHobbies said:
3) How do you find an old privy?

I once knew a guy who did this for a living. It's called "POT HOLING." He would go to the back corner of an old house yard (that's one that was built before indoor plumbing) and start poking the ground with a stick. He told me that usually the "POT HOLE" was located on the left side of the property and very near the property line or end of the 'yard'. The ground where the outhouse was located was very rich in fertilizer and had exceptional growth of plants over it. It also was softer ground so the stick would sink in easier.

Good luck in your search.

Re: Dug and sifted 3 yards of dirt for this!

TooManyHobbies said:
1) At what level are you finding stuff? Does it all sink to the bottom, then the privy was filled?
Or are the finds at different levels?

Sorry to miss the first question in my answer to how to find the privy.
The level at which "treasures" are found depends on how long the outhouse was in use. No, things usually did not sink to the bottom as the human waste usually leached off the water into the surrounding ground leaving the bottom of the pit fairly solid.

Remember also that in those days there was no community trash collection so many people used the POT HOLE to get rid of "trash" like tin cans, etc. Soooo... if you find old rusty cans when you dig these areas, don't just throw them away. They are collector's items as well, especially if they have any printing left to identify the product, manufacturer, cannery, etc.


Re: Dug and sifted 3 yards of dirt for this!

TooManyHobbies said:
A few questions:
1) At what level are you finding stuff? Does it all sink to the bottom, then the privy was filled?
Or are the finds at different levels?
2) Do you have any pictures of the privy - before, during, after - the hole is dug?
3) How do you find an old privy?
The last privy was probably atypical; the first privy appeared to have been used for a long time. The
"soil" was most likely excrement for the last three or four feet; we found lots of bottles in this layer. The upper layers of the first privy were mostly stone and clay; we figured that this privy was decomissioned and another built right beside it. The dirt from the new hole was used to cover the old one. I'm convinced the privy 3 was built shortly before this little town ceased to be; most of the dirt was slag, ash, pea gravel, etc. with lots of broken glass and china. There was only a small layer that looked to me like the soil from the first privy. I don't take a camera out to the field, but Kiros32 did; he may have pictures of privy 2. In our case, finding the privies is easy; the foundations, all in a row, are about all that's left of our little ghost town. My cousin, who owns the adjoining property and grew up there, told me there were 44 houses there at one time. Multiply that by two privies per lot and we have years of fun ahead of us!

Re: Dug and sifted 3 yards of dirt for this!

Great stuff Henry, sorry I couldn't make it out to help you finish! We can bundle up and hit it hard this weekend.

Re: Dug and sifted 3 yards of dirt for this!

Thanks for the replies Halfdime and Dustcap. I've never dug one, or even seen one, but I find it interesting.

Re: Dug and sifted 3 yards of dirt for this!

Still, not too bad though. I dug a privy out in my own yard. Ended up with plenty of silver, Indian heads, and a 2 and 3 cent piece both from 1865. Nice finds. HH

Re: Dug and sifted 3 yards of dirt for this!

Interesting post, hey ya never know. I like the clay marbles, I have never found any yet, actually I did not know they existed until seeing them on TNET.


Re: Dug and sifted 3 yards of dirt for this!

Alot of work, but you never know what is going to come out of them, nice finds.

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