The clarity of your photos are much better, but for the best results, in the future set your items on a colored cloth, a non reflective surface and leave your pixel size at a minimum of 1024 x 768 set the item on a piece of cloth (not white), take the photo when there is good natural light use the flash if you can do it without causing a glare. If you have Macro on your camera use that, if not a trick is to take the photo through a handheld magnifying glass. Your items may have some markings on them, but it is still hard to tell. Your first two photos are not clear when I try to blow them up so I can't do much with those. I pointed out some of the things I saw on the photos below: <img src=""/><img src=""/><img src=""/><img src=""/> I am giving you the link that shows some of the jewelry Patents.,ic:gray&imgdii=_ looking through some of these, you may be able to find one with the similar back side. Also look up Makers Marks on jewelry you would be amazed to see how some of the pieces are marked. I hope this helps a little.