duck band

Good find. There should be a number and date on the band, go to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife website, and I believe you will find the link to find out when and where the waterfowl was banded. If you think the band is from a turkey, your state fish and wildlife dept. should have the info.

Until someone pipes in - I searched google and found...


Should have info on band like AVIS or such look up online and you can enter info from band online and itwill tell you alll about when banded ect.

Thanks everyone with all the quick responses I am posting a pic but I am using my cell phone and it doesn't take very good pics The numbers are 16541 and it also says 00B over top the number 53 off to the sidePhoto-0192.jpg

All duck and goose bands I have seen usually have a phone number on them. It is so u can call and give info where they were harvested "shot". Then they will send u a certificate for the band stating where it was banded and migrated from. If yours is a duck or goose band, judging by size a duck band, it must be pretty old.

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