Hey all had strange day planed on getting out to swing this afternoon but ended up having to work till almost dark so detectin wasnt going to happen so on way home my niece says you. see that dryer beside the road I said no but turned around sure enough there it. sat and it. had a free sign that the owner just put up so loaded it. up and hauled it. home hooked it. up works great except broken door latch well decieded that should pull front off and clean it. as not an hour eariler a lady asked me if I had a dryer so figure since this worked and was free I would clean it. and just give it to her as she is expecting her first child anyway this is what was inside it. almost 6 dollars clad 2 wheaties a 1928 s & 1935 also 1941 nickel the cross is 14k the gold band 10k the necklace and chain stamped 925 italy think the other ring might be 925 also well ic I have rambled on so thanks for reading happy hunting