Call FS/BLM/ATF/Sheriff whatever and they've always taken care a the problem. Only had trouble once in 57 years in the boonies with growers and they learned their lesson FAST AND PERMANENTLY. Like the sheriff told me-just shoot the mfrs and feed'm to the bears. Trinity county sheriffs have a different perspective as they want law abiding citizens to be proactive in these areas so.........................John

great point,and read the first comment....brings forth a couple prudent points!Are people seeing the writing on the wall yet??

I had a couple from Portugal staying with me,whe had to come to San Fran to renew their student Visa's,the last few days.The girl doesnt have a Green Card,therefore CAN NOT WORK!!!!!She wants to work,they pay tax's and are trying to do things legal and right...yet here is our Gov. on the verge of rewarding those who are here illegally and breaking many laws!!!!

My concern is that legitimate business people get harassed (by the agency), but illegal people will not be harassed because they get a pass," he said. "They go after the timber industry and farmers." Penalties can range from cease-and-desist citations to fines of $5,000 for each day of the violation to more than $1 million, said state water board spokeswoman Kathie Smith.
she will, JUST ON THE ONES THAT PAY TAXES WORK THER ARSE OFF AND FILE ALL THE RIGHT PAPER WORK, But not the F-IN CARTEL why cuz they have guuns, oh wait i think i am on to something here, DREDGERS UNITE, TO ARMS, right hell we can't even have a simple miners protest on the SAC CAP STREETS
on another note send this( Can't Understand Normal Thinker ) the reports on Mercury and selenuim

i haven't had the time to read this one



Our office received a Report of Waste Discharge application on 8 December 2012 from the Nevada Irrigation District (hereinafter Discharger), Combie Reservoir Sediment and Mercury Removal Project (hereinafter Project). Based on the application packet and subsequent information submitted by the Discharger, staff has determined that the project meets the required conditions for approval under the General Order for Limited Threat Discharges of Treated/Untreated Groundwater from Cleanup Sites, Wastewater from Superchlorination Projects, and Other Limited Threat Wastewaters to Surface Water (Limited Threat General Order). The proposed discharge is classified as an Other Limited Threat Wastewater to Surface Water project. This project is hereby assigned Limited Threat General Order R5-2013-0073-028 and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit No. CAG995002. Please reference your Limited Threat General Order number, [FONT=Arial,Arial][FONT=Arial,Arial]R5-2013-0073-028, [/FONT][/FONT]in your correspondence and submitted documents.
The Limited Threat General Order is enclosed, and may also be viewed at the following web address: http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/centr...dopted_orders/general_orders/r5-2013-0073.pdf. You are urged to familiarize yourself with the contents of the entire document. The Limited Threat General Order prescribes mandatory discharge monitoring and reporting requirements. The project activities shall be operated in accordance with the requirements contained in this NOA and the Limited Threat General Ord

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