Dredging harm fish, NOT

As I posted on another thread...if you think about it...it's fishing that harms fish. 8-)

So if you want to stop harming fish...then stop fishing! :tongue3:

As I posted on another thread...if you think about it...it's fishing that harms fish. 8-) So if you want to stop harming fish...then stop fishing! :tongue3:
I fish a lot so I'm not trying to beat the fisherman down but when I dredge I pull more lures and sinkers hooks and fishing junk out then everything els combined as far as man made stuff ...

Erosion is a natural thing that happens in the rivers and man has done all they can too slow it down and that's doing far more damage...
What we r doing with our dredges actually is helping restore the fish and there environment they live in ... The dams have stopped the erosion in many rivers while a hand full of environmentalist believe this is good it's actually destroying the fish population and ability to reproduce naturally ...

I fish a lot so I'm not trying to beat the fisherman down but when I dredge I pull more lures and sinkers hooks and fishing junk out then everything els combined as far as man made stuff ...

Erosion is a natural thing that happens in the rivers and man has done all they can too slow it down and that's doing far more damage...
What we r doing with our dredges actually is helping restore the fish and there environment they live in ... The dams have stopped the erosion in many rivers while a hand full of environmentalist believe this is good it's actually destroying the fish population and ability to reproduce naturally ...

I'm an avid fisherman also...it was my attempt at humor. TIC

Humor or not it's the truth !!! My first good day dredging we got 1/4oz and 35 lbs of lead Think god because we still needed diving weight....

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You can find lead in almost any creek or river just about anywhere in the country.....
same with lures, hooks, knives, iron whatevers, mercury and who knows what else.
Man has always been sloppy and the gold dredgers remove much of this kind of
slop from the creeks and rivers every year.....and now the enviro-types want to
stop us from cleaning up the rivers...I've said it before....bunchaloosers anyway. :BangHead:

You can find lead in almost any creek or river just about anywhere in the country.....
same with lures, hooks, knives, iron whatevers, mercury and who knows what else.
Man has always been sloppy and the gold dredgers remove much of this kind of
slop from the creeks and rivers every year.....and now the enviro-types want to
stop us from cleaning up the rivers...I've said it before....bunchaloosers anyway. :BangHead:

Your half right, they do want to stop dredging and keep us from cleaning the rivers. Because they want to do it themselves using our technology, minus our experience (go figure), and get paid nice big fat grant money to do it.

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