Dowsing Please Explain.

Hey Rickit…Yes …Dowsing is real. Dowsing has been dated back 5000 years. How does it work. Many different ways. We all have our own ideas about how it works. The only thing that matters is how it works for you. If it works for you ( and it does for most people) “you” have to experiment and practice until you know what the rods are telling you. You will have to practice with known targets until you are ready to try unknown targets. When you succeed with the unknown targets you will be ready to go into the field……,19537.0.html....This is my way but there is other methods….Art

Rickit I'm new to treasure hunting with dowsing rods. I've found alot of water lines, buried electric lines, a couple covered wells, underground streams, and things like that for many years. In the last few years I've gotten interested in coin hunting with rods, and I find some. I found a silver mine. Now I want to go further and try some map dowsing and cache hunting. Read the posts and replies on this forum. You'll pick up some really good information and you'll discard some comments too. Nearly everything you'de want to know to get started dowsing, whether it be with Lrods, Yrod, pendulum or map dowsing is discussed here. You'll read some good advice and information from some helpful people. Read for a day or two and you'll pick up allot. Dowsing is real and those that can do. Digum

Dowsing is the ability to aknowledge an unseen anomoly, created by alignment of sub atomic particles. Alignments can be tracked with devices, and by mind. Perfecting it, is to being able to follow/read your desired target signal, without confusing it with the countless other signals around..

Dowsing is the ability to acknowledge an unseen anomaly, created by alignment of sub atomic particles. Alignments can be tracked with devices, and by mind. Perfecting it, is to being able to follow/read your desired target signal, without confusing it with the countless other signals around..

Perfect Dowser…Art

Dowsing is a way of being conscious of sensory inputs which are not directly connected to the instinctive brain functions. For example man's sensitivity to magnetism. The organ we assume to be responsible for this sensitivity is the pineal gland . We know that the pineal is contained within the skull, but the pineal lies outside the brain, and has no direct contact with the brain nor does it have direct nerve connections. So the pineal must communicate with the lower brain through subconscious urges, and not rational thought. In the case of dowsing, clearly the brain (not mind) is, in some way, able to alter muscle tension in the shoulders and arms, by way of the ideomotor effect, causing the crossing of angle rods, and the swinging or rotation of the pendulum
Yet the same channels must also be used by other subconscious stimuli for them to be felt. Anyone who has used dowsing tools may find that the same techniques work well for psychic explorations, such as dating artifacts and map dowsing. But, although the manner of bringing the raw impulse through to conscious perception may be the same, this does not mean that the origins are the same. Dowsing may be linked to the magnetic sensitivity of the pineal, but psychic sensations may emanate from quite different organs.
Becker and Marino , who state that not all information gathered by the usual senses is 'processed at the conscious level, and there is no physiological principle that would preclude the subliminal detection of EMFs [electromagnetic fields] by the nervous system.'
There are two popular theories to explain dowsing.
The first suggests that dowsing works as a result of natural phenomena. Buried metal, minerals and underground water causes either a magnetic field or a disturbance in the earth’s own magnetic field. It is thought that the dowsing rod is a tool for showing the reaction of the magnetic field in the ground to the natural magnetic field of the body. This theory was investigated scientifically in Logan, Utah, USA, around 30 years ago.
The Second theory is that dowsing works through the arts of the paranormal; an explanation used to account for the ability of some dowsers to find objects which are thought not to produce or influence magnetic fields. As far as field dowsing is concerned, the paranormal theory is probably in error since it has been shown that virtually everything, be it animal, vegetable or mineral, reacts to magnetic fields. However, map dowsing is something else. How does a person dowse a map to successfully locate a target hundreds or thousands of miles away? There are many unanswered questions along the same lines, which are commonly put down to psychic ability or intuition.

There is a debate about ideomotor, whether it makes the rod move or some other ability of the mind to sense the fields and balance to it. In other words, what causes ideomotor? It doesn't just make the rod move to the target. The skeptics want people to believe there is nothing there to sense because they can't measure it. It all leads back to the frequency generators and their attempt to discredit them.

The ideomotor effect is a psychological phenomenon wherein a subject makes motions unconsciously. As in reflexive responses to pain, the body sometimes reacts reflexively to ideas alone without the person consciously deciding to take action.
Stage hypnotists exploit the ideomotor effect for entertainment value, convincing volunteers to perform some action without consciously deciding to do so. The volunteers usually have no memory of their performance, much like sleepwalkers who are unaware that they are acting on stimulus existing almost entirely in their own minds. More subtle unconscious physical reactions are often used by magicians and illusionists to perform "mind-reading" tricks.
Automatic writing, dowsing, facilitated communication, and Ouija boards have also been attributed to the effect of this phenomenon. Mystics have often attributed this motion to paranormal or supernatural force. Many subjects are unconvinced that their actions are originating solely from within themselves.

Hey Goldminer….To start, I have no idea of how the brain works. With a lot of experimenting I have learned a lot. I have learned to find the signals produced by objects. I have learned to follow and recover these objects. I would be stupid if I didn’t believe that the brain had something to do with the process. Did I train my brain to do these things? Yes. How…Practice…Do I care how this is possible? No…Will I tell others how it works for me? Yes…My advise to newbie’s…..Keep it simple….and remember…Just because the rods will cross is not a sign that you are a dowser. It takes a lot of practice to know what they are telling you…Art

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