Dont forget to watch the new episode of "Diamond Rush: Guyana" tonight!

Yes! We can't forget to watch our televised lessons on how NOT to run a mining operation! Some of us might actually do something the right way if we miss a show.

I can't wait to see how many diamonds are plucked from the ground! They might even find more mining artifacts like the shoes they found a few episodes back. :laughing7:
oops, maybe they should call an archeologist, lol!

I'm looking forward to seeing Parker piss off Tony Beets. Man the censors are gonna wear out the beep button.

I can either watch the Hoffmans or organize my sock drawer. Choices choices........

I can either watch the Hoffmans or organize my sock drawer. Choices choices........

Socks go in drawers?!? :)

I think I have a new saying "What would Todd Hoffman do?" or WWTHD. The key is to ask yourself this question and whatever the answer is do the opposite.

It was nice to see more Parker and Dakota boys and less TH in the newest episode last night. Old-man Hoffman didn't even make an appearance.

Assuming there's a season 5 of Gold Rush I'm at a loss as to how Todd would fit in.

Tard Hoffman is teaming up with Scott Wolter next year to do a new show where they will "discover" evidence that there were Vikings in Norway. Followed by stone carvings that lead them to believe the Easter Bunny was real..

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The Hoffman crew has just about jumped the shark on this whole Gold Rush series. I don't think I have ever seen them make a profit at the end of a season and when they do come close to showing a profit they pick up and move.

I enjoy watching the various processes for mineral extraction but cut the bull shizit acting. If I want to see that crap I'll watch Jersey Shore. Unfortunately all of these shows have gone the same way i.e. Bearing Sea Gold, Pawn Stars, etc. Deadliest catch isn't quite as bad but sometimes they are. I would prefer less acting and more reality.
Just my opinion in case Discovery reads T-net.

Loved it when Parker decided to give Tony his cut of the
desired 800 oz, and then told Beets to piss off for few
weeks so Parker could do things his way....

Seems like Parker has grown a pair at long last. Anyone that allows the claim owner to dictate how to run their operation when they've leased the claim is foolish in my mind. Tony has been treating Parker and his guys like they're just another of his crews instead of people that have rented some property form him. Sure hope Parker has that lease in writing and not just on a verbal agreement.

Seems like Parker has grown a pair at long last. Anyone that allows the claim owner to dictate how to run their operation when they've leased the claim is foolish in my mind. Tony has been treating Parker and his guys like they're just another of his crews instead of people that have rented some property form him. Sure hope Parker has that lease in writing and not just on a verbal agreement.
yea tony is a ruthless son of b hah how much gold u think that guy has hah

I used to like Tony until he started telling Parker how to run his operation. When he got demanding like he did I lost a lot of respect for the guy. Granted he's trying to teach Parker the ropes, but the kid had to learn to say enough is enough. tony had no plans to mine that area anyway and anything that he gets from Parkers' operation is just gravy. Makes me glad I have my own claim and am not leasing one from someone else.

Though it a bit late your best option is the socks LoL....

They showed a shot of Fred's new hole, supposedly caving in, but it sure did look like a shot of the old glory hole. Haha.
And they never did show the hole caving in by the creek!

Tony Beets turned into bullying Parker, just because he could. That shows a lack of character.

And I was not impressed with the few tiny little diamonds Toad showed.

We're getting an order ready to ship to the same area.
Solving huge LOSS issues in their trommel / op.
I might fly down and take a look as well.

Goddamn, Parker knocked it out of the park. A 208oz final cleanout, 836oz total.

Fred finished up with 280oz, his best cleanout ever.

Todd was a loser as usual and the claim owner sent him home. God I wish they would just dump him, let his good people like Turin go join Parker.

I have to say its interesting being an insider to some of this information before hand and then reading comments and knowing more about whats going on behind the scenes than what is shown on the show.

I will say the camera crews get you at your worst. They tell everyone new...Dont pick your nose, dont scratch your ass...try to watch your mouth...otherwise as we all know most of this is quite boring until something happens that is not ok. Thousands of hours are recorded and only a little bit makes it in. Some of the stuff that does not make the cut is worth its weight in gold but just does not fit into the show parameters.

Also keep in mind the real gold is in the production. and the ratings game. how many mcdonalds commercials can be sold, insurance adds and the best new deodorants and car.

These are all good people. But yes there is friction at times and that is what has proven to sell in all reality shows. Best not to let it worry and accept it for what it is being sold for. Entertainment. :)

For those who like the reality bits that are pretty raw check out some of the youtube videos I am doing. Or my site Prospector's Gold & Gems

Also, I cant tell you what is going to happen next. so dont ask. But I will say being an observer is fun.

I LAUGH at the Hoffmans and their total failure down south! And why didn't they devote any film time for how they got rid of or extracted all that equipment?

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