does anyone know any thing about indians in callaway county

i have a old book of Missouri history (somewhere) and it has a map of the teritorial lands of the native Americans for Missouri. if i remember correctly(and thats getting hard todo!) the Sauk(sp?) and the Fox tribes were in that area. if/when i find my book, ill double check to see if im correct and confirm my post.

Well, cote sans dessein is one of the earliest Missouri towns (and one of the earliest west of the Mississippi). It was located is southern Callaway County and was founded by the French who were known for their friendship with the prevailing Indian tribes. Wouldn't surprise me in the least if there were a couple of indian encampments near the Missouri river in Callaway County.

If you want to hunt that land some time, send me an IM or email. I'm just up the road in Mexico. Hope to hunt cote sans dessein this summer.

also depending on the time frame, the Illinois tribe was prevelant for a long time.their territory was along the Mississippi River but spanded deep into Missouri land. and the Osage were boardering the Illinois tribes as well.

I have hunted all over the State of Missouri. I have found a lot in Callaway and Montgomery counties. The Indians lived everywhere along creeks and rivers. Some areas will have some very early archaic artifacts mixed in with newer woodland artifacts. To actually place a name on the indians that lived on your land would be impossible to do because first you would need to date the artifacts. If they turn out to be early archaic then they were probably pretty nomadic, however, if they turned out to be woodland then they would then tend to maybe settle in that particular area. Fields along the Loutre and Gasconade are loaded with indian artifacts, however, with the "no till" farming techniques it is very hard to find anything anymore. Gone are the days of coming home with pockets bulging with indian artifacts.

thanks a lot for the comments, as for cote hill my aunts cousin owns it and i have been harping at my uncle to try to get permission so i can go look on it, no luck so far though. i am going to take a look at those books about callaway history and see if i cant find out more. thanks for the replies I really appreciate it.

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