Does anyone else feel it?

Yes I feel it too. But I have not figured out whether it signals an ex-plosion or an im-plosion in prices is imminent. One or the other is bound to happen real soon.

Just my opinion.


Where can i get one of those tinfoil hats? ^^^ :dontknow: haha

I have to say I'm not feeling it. But....I hope I'm wrong. I've bought a lot of PM's this year and spent more than I care to think about.

I speak of course about an impending explosion in PM prices. I can feel it coming.

The jump in PM's will be seen, but a fellow by the name of "Harry Dent" is saying that after the rollercoaster ride, gold will settle in between $600-$900.... matching what's left of the U.S. economy.... If the rumor about the U.S. gold vaults holding less gold than anyone expected should be true in some form, if our government wants some dollar/currency stability, they will go after everybody's gold like they did before. A few months later, back then, I believe there was the same type law and action about silver bullion, too....

Just passing along some news about a Bank Drill coming around Feb. 14th..... What concerns me is that the following Monday is a Federal Holiday, Presidents' Day, and it could be perfect timing to start taking money from depositors' accounts. Just a Heads UP....

The jump in PM's will be seen, but a fellow by the name of "Harry Dent" is saying that after the rollercoaster ride, gold will settle in between $600-$900.... matching what's left of the U.S. economy.... If the rumor about the U.S. gold vaults holding less gold than anyone expected should be true in some form, if our government wants some dollar/currency stability, they will go after everybody's gold like they did before. A few months later, back then, I believe there was the same type law and action about silver bullion, too....

Just passing along some news about a Bank Drill coming around Feb. 14th..... What concerns me is that the following Monday is a Federal Holiday, Presidents' Day, and it could be perfect timing to start taking money from depositors' accounts. Just a Heads UP....

Here is an interesting article on Dent. Apparently, he predicted the DOW was going to 35,000 back in the late 90's. That one didn't work out so well. He may be right on where the DOW is headed now, but I would do your own due diligence.

Harry Dent's Dented Predictions -


Thanks Jim,

Trying to understand the world of finance, and a crystal ball, is about all the Average Joe has to help make decisions.

Just short of going into a higher tax bracket, I took out some of an IRA last week, paid most of the taxes out of the amount, and was at a critical crossroads as to what to do with it.

With this 5kw solar electric project I've been gathering/paying for panels, controllers, inverters, 8 L-16 batteries, wiring, and mounting rack materials for the past 2-1/2 years. Funds for it were from the sale of silver & gold scrap/jewelry I'd found at local garage sales, and our own garage sale profits. It has to operational by this coming Dec. 31, 2014, but I'm using the 30% tax credit to pay 70% of my taxes and still get back about $1,000.00.

Rather than go for buying PM's, I paid off the balance of my 2012 F-150 pickup.... Now, I'm completely and truly debt free, just property taxes, groceries, insurance, and an occasional medical/dental expense. Time will tell if I made the right choice....what do you think?


Thanks Jim,

Trying to understand the world of finance, and a crystal ball, is about all the Average Joe has to help make decisions.

Just short of going into a higher tax bracket, I took out some of an IRA last week, paid most of the taxes out of the amount, and was at a critical crossroads as to what to do with it.

With this 5kw solar electric project I've been gathering/paying for panels, controllers, inverters, 8 L-16 batteries, wiring, and mounting rack materials for the past 2-1/2 years. Funds for it were from the sale of silver & gold scrap/jewelry I'd found at local garage sales, and our own garage sale profits. It has to operational by this coming Dec. 31, 2014, but I'm using the 30% tax credit to pay 70% of my taxes and still get back about $1,000.00.

Rather than go for buying PM's, I paid off the balance of my 2012 F-150 pickup.... Now, I'm completely and truly debt free, just property taxes, groceries, insurance, and an occasional medical/dental expense. Time will tell if I made the right choice....what do you think?


Anytime you get out of debt that is good. Who knows, they might keep PMs down long enough that we can keep stacking for a while. I believe there is so much "intervention" (manipulation called by another name) that it is impossible to call day to day or even week to week trends in many of the markets (stocks, PMs). I have yet to find ONE pundit who has been even "mostly" correct in their calls going back say 10 years till today.

I was debating the intervention/manipulation idea with a colleague. One fact that to me says it all is this: let's say tomorrow, the Fed came out and said "No more tapering and we plan to buy more crap each month". Now, what would the stock market do if that announcement was made? I'd say 99.9% chance of a huge rally that would keep going, much like we've seen over the past two years. Would such gains be in any way related to profits, losses, P/E ratios, consumer demand, etc. No, it would simply be due to the "intervention" caused by the Fed getting involved with their policy. Further, what about the electronic trades that large firms with floor exposure and such can make that move very fast and allegedly give them the upperhand? To me, that is minor compared to the Fed intervention, but is another issue to discuss.

I remember listening to the financial talking heads over the past couple years and the big question was always "is the Fed gonna taper?". The answers would drive the market up after each Fed meeting when they said no taper, etc. It was not until they stated eventual tapering would happen that we started hearing talk of profits, etc, of the companies.

If all it takes is a Fed announcement to move the markets in such ways so severely, so quickly, and for such a long time (the past 2 years, etc), I don't see how anyone can think the markets are "free" per se.

So IF the markets are moved in large part by "intervention" the only hope is to guess correctly which way the market will move after said "interventions".

Just my opinion.


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