I own an older whites coinmaster classic II. Needless to say, it is not fancy. You got your sensitivity, your discrimination, and your all metal mode. In the manual, the pinpointing method is described as basically using all metal mode and making a grid pattern over the target and estimating the center. Well, there is lots of room for error using this method and even though I'm ok at it, my holes were getting embarrassingly large. I found that for most targets there is a threshold where you can bop the coil up and down against the ground and the detector will beep. So I will just turn up the discrimination and down the sensitivity until the area in which the detector responds like this is reduced to about a 1.5" diameter circle. And that is the method in which I pinpoint my targets. Needless to say it doesn't work so well with irregularly shaped objects, but its my understanding that more expensive detectors with pinpointing modes have trouble with that too. I assume other people do this. I just haven't heard it described as a technique before.
By the way. . . I'm new here so hi everyone!!!!
I live near Dallas, TX
I use a whites coinmaster classic II
I mainly coinshoot.
I hope to get to know everyone around here!!
By the way. . . I'm new here so hi everyone!!!!
I live near Dallas, TX
I use a whites coinmaster classic II
I mainly coinshoot.
I hope to get to know everyone around here!!
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