Gold Member
Being under water Is one of the most enjoyable and dangerous part of gold
mining. I believe every diver should take a diving course or read a few books
about It. We should at least be aware of the rules we are Ignoring.
I see Miners who put their air hose under their weight belt because they
don't have a harness or Just want to keep it out of their way. Have you been In
15 foot of water and rolled a boulder over and got a Charlie Horse In your legs.
Guess where that belt Is going to be If you drop your weighs? I was In a hole
25 feet deep when a large boulder started to slide In. I knew It was going to
slide In but after the wake (for lack of another word) I found myself In fast
water at the end of my air hose. I don't think I would have made It to shore
with 80 pounds of lead on my air hose.
Have you ever been down 25 foot and had your mask washed off by a rush
of water because someone 40 miles away dumped some water out of the Dam.
The worst part Is you can't remember how to clear your mask. Be honest, can
you remember how to clear your mask. The first day of mining season every
year, I practice clearing my mask.
Has the relief value on your compressor every stuck open? Mine did and I
was 20 foot down.
Do you know the methods for clearing your ears? If you don't know what
I'm talking about you had better take some lessons or read some books. For
those Who know-OUCH
Be Safe and have a good year.
A. Flowers
mining. I believe every diver should take a diving course or read a few books
about It. We should at least be aware of the rules we are Ignoring.
I see Miners who put their air hose under their weight belt because they
don't have a harness or Just want to keep it out of their way. Have you been In
15 foot of water and rolled a boulder over and got a Charlie Horse In your legs.
Guess where that belt Is going to be If you drop your weighs? I was In a hole
25 feet deep when a large boulder started to slide In. I knew It was going to
slide In but after the wake (for lack of another word) I found myself In fast
water at the end of my air hose. I don't think I would have made It to shore
with 80 pounds of lead on my air hose.
Have you ever been down 25 foot and had your mask washed off by a rush
of water because someone 40 miles away dumped some water out of the Dam.
The worst part Is you can't remember how to clear your mask. Be honest, can
you remember how to clear your mask. The first day of mining season every
year, I practice clearing my mask.
Has the relief value on your compressor every stuck open? Mine did and I
was 20 foot down.
Do you know the methods for clearing your ears? If you don't know what
I'm talking about you had better take some lessons or read some books. For
those Who know-OUCH
Be Safe and have a good year.
A. Flowers